of those "projects" that kind of takes on a life of its own? I have one leg that tends to take off on it's own. So, when I'm in rough or muddy footing I often pick up, or cut myself, a walking stick. This winter I found one that started out life as a cottonwood sapling that was harvested and the bark all eaten by beavers (obviously a year or two ago).. It was straight enough and light enough it ended up all the way back at the house. It was during a stretch of crappy weather so I thought I might sand the thing off and put a leather strap on it and keep it around.

Sanded it down and put some poly on it and it looked kind of cool. Top and bottom had been chewed off the beaver and I decided the top was kind of shaped like a mushroom. So, I fired up the Dremel tool and made a mushroom. Took it out for a test drive and discovered the poly made the thing about too slick to hold on to - need a "grip". . more "mushroom-type" Dremeling.. Then in a day or two it "needed" an arrow head. So I made an arrow head.. It was about this point I was thinking, "Dang, this thing came out pretty good - I wish I'd spent a little more time on it now." Oh well, by this time next year (if I don't lose it) it will look like it's been dragged behind the pick up anyway.

I know Sky would give me an F - but maybe some of the rest of you dufes aren't anymore "artistic" than I am.