I swear, I wish they'd come up with a time delay for texts. One where you could stop a text from going through if you change your mind after hitting the send button. Or maybe like some email programs that say, "Are you sure you want to send this ....", before committing. Sumpin' like, "Are you sure you want to send these nasty pictures of nekkid wimmins to your mom?" ... and give you a 5 second delay or sumpin' so you can give it a second thought.

I was texting with an old Army buddy whom I've known for 43 years and we text, email or talk almost daily. As we were texting, I also received a text from a friend of ours (Lynns and mine) and she was asking how our cruise went. So, now I'm texting both of them back and forth. My buddy texted some smart-ass remark (like we always do) and our lady friend (who's 74 years old BTW) texted something about me needing to start a diet now that we're home from the cruise.

You guessed it ... I sent the wrong text to the wrong person. I texted to this 74 year old grandmother that I think she's the "biggest dickhead I've ever known!"
