I've come to the conclusion, as a group, "someone" on here knows the answer to everything.

I am not a gardener. I burned out on gardens by the time I was 12. Swore I'd never spend another moment in one. Then, my wife retired. She's not a gardener either. Last couple years we've had a little patch with a couple cucumber plants, 3 tomatoes, a few radishes, few pole beans... I've discovered when you have "critters" - you have problems. So - now we have a fence.

Early this spring I planted three tomato plants. They lasted one night. cutworms.. more plants - tin foil - no more problems.

Two days ago, I discovered one of the plants broken/cut (?) cut off about 4" high - top just laying there. Next night - another. Last night - the last. Using my amazing powers of deduction - I finally decided "something" must being doing this.

Answer to everything is on the WWW (thanks Al)... This - not so much. Lot of people said "deer" - ain't no freaking deer - ate the stem off and left the top lay. Lot of people said "birds".. I'm not buying it. Got to be a rodent of some kind.. Too high for mice, probably too high for vole - rat maybe? chipmunk?

Both my trail cams are out - but one is coming home. I'll stick the top of this latest one back in the dirt and see if I can "catch" the culprit. Then I have every intention of killing it - no matter what it is.

Any ideas?