And Bucky's point is valid. If you don't agree or support the decision you are viewed differently.
Viewed differently by whom? Liberals? What do you ... or anyone here care about that? You could say the same thing about the "right to bear arms" issue. I know people who think I'm off the rails and a total nut-bag because I have guns in my house ... my "Northern California" brother is one of them.

And Bucky, you've bailed and I was up until 4:00 am working on my eBay store (typical end of month stuff), so I'm beat anyway. There were no accusations ... I simply keep asking WHY you give a shit about the issue? All I wanted to know is why you feel the way you do. There has never been an answer ... only dancing. So, I have to start assuming. There is no question you have your head locked into the Bible, so that's the most obvious conclusion (for me). But, you dance around the subject and don't approach it, so I go back to why? And on what do you base you opposition on something that doesn't affect you in any way? That's all. Now I'm weary. I was simply trying to understand. It reminds me of a buddy of mine who will not touch pork. When I ask him why, he says because pigs are nasty and roll around in pig shit all day. When I ask him if he's ever looked at the hind end of a cow and what dribbles down their legs, or looked to see what chickens walk around in all day, it's no biggie. He simply has it in his head pigs are nasty. No other reason. I guess I just always like to know WHY somebody feels the way they do. It's a bad habit of mine. I'm bailing along with ya' becaue I agree, we're doing nothing but .