The story has hurt the cause of hunters. I don't know if the hunter has or not.

I do not mean to dismiss your views. I do reserve the right to disagree with them, sometimes vehemently. That's just me. But I never used "Christian" in any of this, btw.

And if this is about internet Memes, then I still stand by my contention that I don't care who says a phrase, or what picture is attached to it, or what the source of it is, just because it's on the internet does not make it true, and does NOT make it false, either. Such a 'meme' (which is one stupid word, IMHO) can very well be with high merit. If you don't like that, I can't help it, but it's true. Dismissive..........that's what you are doing by the fact that it came a) in an email, b) over the internet (like your bank balance, btw), or c)in a 'meme'. So I don't see the difference.

I am trying harder than ever to have discussions with you, but I am not going to agree with you or back off calling you out for things that make no sense (to me). Sorry. You are welcome to do the same.

NO one said YOU valued animal life over human life (at least I did not), but what I did imply was that the news that I saw (you introduced memes, I was going on news accounts only) was the height of irony because I assume that the same people hollering for the dentist to be killed because he killed a lion, are the same folks that FIGHT IN PUBLIC for the 'right' to kill 9 month old babies. That is what I said!@!!!!