I guess I goofed off quite a bit last year. A 2-week cruise, another 2-weeks in Los Angeles (that killed a month right there) along with a bazillion 3-4 day trips for weekend getaways really cut into my selling since I close my store whenever I'm out of town. But, hitting the estate sales (IF there are any) for 2-4 hours/week, really isn't much of a strain and more fun than actual work. That's the main thing, it's a lot of fun (to me anyway). I closed the month/year last night and even with all the time off this past year, I was able to pull in $16,000 in sales. (actually, I was $6 short at $15,994) I had a good month in December, closing with a $2500 month.

Not bad for a part time and fun little "hobby". I came up just short of hitting $50,000 in total sales for the past 3 years at $49,115.42. I was hoping to hit 50K by the end of 2015, but it won't happen 'til this month. And before you say it, I know, I know ... my actual COB runs about 13%, but I don't pay a lot of attention to that and just look at it as "entertainment expense".

It's not much by most standards, but it keeps me off the streets and combined with my retirement, it gives us enough of a shot in the arm to get out of the house from time to time. Heck the per capita in this sleepy little town is only $23-$24K ($40K household).

I just hope it never ceases to be fun, interesting and educational. Now it's time to see what surprises 2016 will bring.