Indiana's goose season is back in for a few days. Then the geese get 2 weeks of for the Feb season.
Spent Sat evening and Sunday morning trying to encourage them to land near me. I have befriended a couple of college kids from the local school. They hunted a field next to me earlier in the season, we got to talking, and have waterfowl hunted together since.
Works out well- they have the time to scout and track birds, I have the decoys and local connections to get a yes on most fields.
We had some serious wind here over the weekend. Kansas would say it was Just Saturday, but for Indiana it was very blustery.
We had alreay tracked about 1000 geese on Friday night and had the OK to use the field they were landing in. In the mean time, the college boy stumbled into some recent graduates that obiously had good jjobs and weren't married. He showed up with them and their trailer of 12 dozen full body high $$$ decoys. WOW I felt I should pay these guys.
The only down side was that the 6 of us brought home only 1 goose. We had some shots, but the wind messedwith our shot strings, (see how I used big words to make it sound like I knew why we missed),
The birds were amazing though. Picture 100's of birds inthe air, the sunset a mixture of oranges, blues, whispy clouds, a wind bitter enough to make your nose run, but not be painfully cold....
Sunday was similar- although the trailer of really nice dekkes did not return.
Sunday was bitter cold- and windy. My dog had ice cicles hanging off him from the start.
The birds would commit, then flair all day. We moved decoys around, moved our blind to stay in the shadows..... nada.
I was so tired Sunday evening. The wind and cold drained me of energy. I woke up today 2 pounds lighter than Saturday morning.
Even without a pile of dead geese, the weekend was worth the efforts. Soul is restored for a week of work.