Not GREAT news, like winning the lottery or getting a new heart...or new stomach....or new back........or new heel.......or new C6/C7 nerve.........or having my hair colored....but....

First, Mother came home today. She is a lot better, but Lordy she looks like she was run over by a train. She will be months healing. She has NO skin on her forearm on right arm from knuckles to above elbow. Stitches in many places. Hemotoma's galore. But......she's alert and can make it to bathroom and says she is "ok"......getting her to not try and be 'normal' instantly is going to be the problem. But it's better today.

Second, went to my annual cardiologist. It's been over 8 1/2 years since the heart attack. An L.A.D. M.I. is not your normal heart attack, but I had no bypass surgeries, and the two stents must be working. The good news is that he said I could stop the Beta Blocker (Bystolic) altogether.......since my B.P. is actually a bit low (106/80 today), and in fact have had some syncope in the last year. That led to reducing the Bystolic, but Cardio guy said to just eliminate it. He also said that recent studies show that Plavix is really of no real benefit at this distance from the Event, and to stop taking that also. So I'm down now to daily doses of Crestor 20 and Lisinopril 10....for my heart........(and Pantaprazole for my stomach, plus inhalers for asthma and other 'as needed') I just lost 2 expensive medicines.

Also, I've not felt 'normal' for some time, and just feel 'blah'.........and in the dumps..........and upset all the time.......and he said "Well, you're overmedicated. Try this"..........and so we cut out those two. Hope it works.

I still take the drug that makes me deranged though. Oh, and the one that turned me into a 'conservative apologist'...(which I take by elective pharmaceutically).