I got a message last night that an old buddy of mine in L.A. posted a message on Facebook. (he was a mechanic of mine, who became a close friend, when I managed the Cadillac dealership in Hollywood, Ca.) I chimed in with some smart-assed remark and we went toe-to-toe for a few minutes, then he called me on the phone. We talked 'til 3:00 am MY TIME and caught up on many years of happenings. He and I have a LOT of history and I could write a book on the crazy shit we did ... but I won't bore you with the stories, although we rehashed them quite a bit last night. It was a TON of laughs. What sucked is he brought me up to date on friends of ours who have passed away or have major medical problems like cancer, etc. He told me of one friend, Bill, who passed away a few years ago and the rough time he had the last few years of his life, including being confined to a wheelchair.

Of course the conversation turned to Bills daughter because I used to "hit it" every once in a while back in the day. I was in my late 20's and I think she was 19. Not "positive" ol' Bill ever knew about it ... but if not, I "think" he at least had an idea. Anyway, while I was talking to my bud last night he said he saw Kim (the daughter) a year or so ago. Ahhhh, sweet little Kim! She was a total HOTTIE. Long blonde hair, tiny, petite little thing she was. I asked how she was doing and was told she's married and has a couple daughters. He then told me she has a Facebook page and I should send her a hello message. 'Course he had to tell me her new last name so I could look her up.

WTFO?????? I found her page, looked at the pics and came to the realization I must be an OLD fart! I swear she looks just like Barbara Bush! I HATE Facebook!

I couldn't sleep last night.