I just had a ct and I think it made me smarter. We’ll see.

IMO there’s probably a bit of each of your categories going on. I do think more women are coming forward about it though. I knew several executives in my career who dipped their wick quite often, and more times than not their power and position likely made it difficult for the women to say no. OTOH, much of my career was in the 80’s and 90’s and at least at the companies I worked for almost every company ‘function’ there was a ton of free alcohol and sex was typically there for the taking if you were interested. I made it a policy not to shit where I eat’ but I must admit to a few moments of weakness. In that regard I think we have to take a lot of this in the context of the times it occurred. Having worked in the 2000’s for 14 years I can say too that the corporate culture changed significantly. Companies cracked down mainly because of liability issues.
Anyone who uses their position or power to obtain sex is a predator IMO. A shark, so to speak. I always considered myself just a horny dolphin.