Devil worship? Ha ha ha ha! Pure brilliance! It's a wonder the dufe didn't start burning witches!

Oh well, if we're gonna dig back into ancient times ... I'd say the Egyptians were a pretty intelligent group. Heck, the ancient Egyptians revered, praised, and even worshiped cats.

Or, your being a farmer and all, should appreciate cats. The Norse goddess Freyja rode in a chariot pulled by two giant gray cats given to her by the god Thor. Farmers left offerings for the cats in order to ensure a good harvest.

Or, in Chinese culture, a cat god called Li Shou was worshiped by farmers because he protected the crops from being eaten by rats and mice.

Or, in ancient Poland, Ovinnik, who appeared in the form of a black cat, was worshiped by many farming families because he watched over domestic animals and chased away evil-natured ghosts and spirits.

Then there's Ai-Apaec, a god of the pre-Inca civilization known as the Mochica, was said to have evolved from an ancient cat god and to be able to assume the form of a tomcat.

And Greek mythology tells of how the goddess Hecate assumed the form of a cat in order to escape the monster Typhon. Afterwards, she extended special treatment to all cats.

Don't forget Ceridwen, the Welsh goddess of wisdom and mother of the famous bard Taliesin, was attended by white cats who carried out her orders on Earth.

Heck, I could continue on with the big cats ... jaguars, tigers and leopards, etc, but I'm sure you get the point.