There was no historical precedent for delaying the Merrit Garland nomination anywhere. It was plain and simple: they are wanting to stack the courts, and not just SCOTUS, with political conservatives. And that was the only thing that delay was about. And then the same people want to bemoan the politicization of the nomination process.

And Chilly Willy, we lived with the 60 vote rule, as the founders intended for us to do, since 1806. A constructionist, as republicans claim to be, would want us to strongly consider doing what the founders intended the Senate to be: a higher more contemplative body than the People’s House.

Its worked for us until we changed it. We need no further proof that it will work if we change it back.

And I’m convinced until this current generation of old fuckers dies off, nothing much will change. A lot of our issues are generational and its our generation that is the problem.