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Thread: ICE raided seven MS chicken processing plants, today.....

  1. #1
    Delta Dufus Big Muddy's Avatar
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    ICE raided seven MS chicken processing plants, today.....

    They rounded up 680'um, I bet the cost of chicken gizzards and livers is gonna go sky high, down here !!!.....I guess I'll hafta buy minners and worms for catfish bait, now.
    Southern Gentleman

  2. #2
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    The owners should do jail time IMHO.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  3. #3
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Chicken Dinner's Avatar
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    Damn, Jim. You better hit the KFC before the prices spike.

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  4. #4
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    I’m waiting for it to happen here. We have one in my county that happens to be the largest employer in the county. The majority of the employees are Hispanic.

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  5. #5
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Missouri and Arkansas have many processing plants that employ illegal migrant workers. They busted one near Springfield, Mo where they even had refurbed an old hotel to house them, many people to a room.

    Viva Renaldo!

  6. #6
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    If I were POTUS, I'd have ICE clean these places out, deport all the illegals, then every healthy, able-bodied swingin' dick drawing welfare, gov't housing, Medicaid and any other "benefit" who is NOT working, would be moved to these places (put 'em in those refurbished hotels) and given those jobs vacated by the ICE sweep.

    Oh, you don't want to work in a chicken processing plant? Fine ... no more gov't teat (that's tit for you deplorables) for you to suck on!

    Then I'd start on the migrant farm workers. Get 'em out'ta here. Bring the deadbeats in and make 'em pick strawberries, lettuce, oranges ... whatever and actually EARN money instead of sitting on their gov't housing front porch smoking crack crying because "there are no jobs".

    Is MacD's looking for a burger flipper? Have the local Welfare office fill that position for 'em. Keep working down the line until there are no more free-loaders and there will be no monthly "National unemployment" figures to post.

    We have an area in town here ("the projects") and you can drive through the area any day of the week and see young, able bodied 20-somethings sitting on the porch b/s'ing, shooting dice, drinking Mad Dog 20/20 and basically doing nothing. Why? Nothing to do during the day? Send a County truck into the neighborhood, load 'em up, take 'em out to pick up litter along the highways, take 'em back at the end of the day and apply a stipend toward the gov't hand-out they're drawing.

    Come to think of it, I think I'll run for POTUS in 2024 after Trump's second term. I already have my platform. The Dems can promise "free everything" and I'll promise "jobs for all". Which option makes more sense?
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  7. #7
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    You sound very much like Josef Stalin. So I’ll kindly tell you to go suck a wing bone.

    Viva Renaldo!

  8. #8
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    I don’t know about where you live, but up here, most restaurants are having a hard time getting help. Several have had to cut back their hours due to lack of help.

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  9. #9
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarryBobPosthole View Post
    You sound very much like Josef Stalin. So I’ll kindly tell you to go suck a wing bone. BKB
    Ummm, just curious ... would that be a left-wing bone? Or a right-wing bone?
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  10. #10
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thumper View Post
    Ummm, just curious ... would that be a left-wing bone? Or a right-wing bone?
    In your case, both!

    Viva Renaldo!

  11. #11
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Chicken Dinner's Avatar
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    Unemployment where I live is 3-4% tops and you couldn’t get something cooked, cleaned, cut or constructed without immigrant labor from Central America. I agree they should all be legal, but there just aren’t hordes of able bodied welfare recipients to do those jobs.

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    "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." Raoul Duke

  12. #12
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicken Dinner View Post
    Unemployment where I live is 3-4% tops and you couldn’t get something cooked, cleaned, cut or constructed without immigrant labor from Central America. I agree they should all be legal, but there just aren’t hordes of able bodied welfare recipients to do those jobs.

    When I was developing my career, I relocated many times for a job. If you’re on the gov’t dole, it would be cheaper for the gov’t to subsidize a move to a larger job market than it would be to continue supporting a leach forever.

    If an “immigrant from Central America” can manage to get to where the jobs are, why can’t a US citizen from Eastern Kentucky? The difference is, an “immigrant from Central America” is willing to WORK for a living, while we have created a country of leaches who would rather suck the coffers dry and sit on their collective asses while the man puts ‘em in a house, feeds ‘em, supports their kids, pays their medical bills, gives 'em a free cell phone and sends ‘em a monthly check for “incidentals”.

    BTW, I speak from experience. I have a brother who hasn’t held a job since the 70’s. He knows every gov’t program known to man (programs I never even knew existed) and knows how to milk the system. Add to that, charity organizations will step in to fill any gaps. He missed my mom’s funeral because he was in the hospital. He broke his arm (no clue how). Free ambulance ride, free Emergency Room, free hospital care (by free, I mean you and I paid for it) and right now he’s living in a hotel “recovering” .... paid for by some church charity he found as an easy mark. Trust me, once you learn the system, there’s no reason to work for a living. He’s worked the system his whole life and still has all the cash he needs for beer and cigarettes. Oh, and he has a "government" cell phone so he can post his stupid videos on the internet. He does all his computer work at the public library, one of his favorite hang-outs. How does he do it? I have no clue. How would I know anyway? I’ve worked my whole life and never had the time to learn how to “screw the system”.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  13. #13
    Grand High Exalted Taser-Master
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    A lot of those on welfare will either starve or steal before they'd work.
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  14. #14
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quercus alba View Post
    A lot of those on welfare will either starve or steal before they'd work.
    My point exactly. If they choose to steal (over working) to eat, feed 'em in jail. If they choose to starve (over work), they were a waste of good oxygen anyway.
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  15. #15
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) HideHunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quercus alba View Post
    A lot of those on welfare will either starve or steal before they'd work.
    bears repeating.... I've been a "root hog or die" advocate all my life. My parents told me I could have anything *I* could afford.. I had some neat toys as a kid.. and I bought, paid for, kept the insurance on, put gas in.. all of them that required it. I was "given" a roof over my head and pretty much all I could eat (as long as I did my hour and a half of chores morning and night). When "welfare" comes up - I immediately think of the family a few miles from me.. who are now in the 5th (hell I don't know - maybe 6th by now) generation of welfare.. I look at the all the "programs" out there now (too much credit card debt.. we'll get you out of it - in too deep into your house - we'll get you out of it - too much in college loans - we'll get you out of it).. and I wonder. I have 0 credit card debt.. don't owe anyone one dime.. I paid for my house.. I paid my college loan.. So my question, once again is.. Where is the reward for having done it "right"?"

    and by the way, Jim.. I totally agree with most all your "solutions".. "Can't" do it.. but I like it..
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  16. #16
    Grand High Exalted Taser-Master
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    Personally, I say lets keep the Mexicans and send them the dregs of our society for a change
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  17. #17
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Since we’re all getting kind of long in the tooth, I’m sure at some time in your life you have seen real poverty. I grew up in it. Or damned close to it. I grew up on the farm my stepdad was born on. My grandparents on his side never knew of an indoor toilet in their entire lives, although my grandpa installed many in the houses he built. Their family knew real poverty and I am happy to say that my stepdad and his siblings all broke ‘the chain’ and have worked hard and created good lives for themselves. My stepdad has a tenth grade education and is the smartest and hardest working man I have ever known. All of his kids, with the exception of me, have advanced degrees and have kids that have done the same.
    On the other hand, other branches of the family continued on the same path. I have known many that would and still do work harder at avoiding work than they would do if they just worked for a living. If you’ve witnessed it up close, then you know that it isn’t all one thing that causes it. It isn’t just laziness. Its also growing up thinking that way of life is, well life.
    There is truth to the chain of poverty idea, although there are plenty of examples of people, like in my family, who ‘make it’ despite the odds.

    The question is, what if anything do we do about those odds. Its also been proven you can’t give anybody much of anything and expect it to change much. I know Thumper was ranting but we can’t just lock them up either, unless you want to create more criminals than poor people.

    Its a conundrum.

    Viva Renaldo!

  18. #18
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quercus alba View Post
    Personally, I say lets keep the Mexicans and send them the dregs of our society for a change
    Q/A for President!

    P-hole, you're correct about the pot-stirring. Jail ain't the answer.

    Much the same here Hidey-Ho. We had 6 kids and a stay-at-home mom. Looking back now, I realize we were kinda poor ... or at minimum, the lower echelon of middle class I guess. I didn't know it then and thought we were pretty much "normal' and the others were "rich people". I started a lawn service when I was about 12 years old and grew my "business" to include probably 20 yards that were steady income (mowing weekly). When I came home from the hospital a few years back after my health episode, I could no longer mow my own yard and approached a few of the neighborhood teenagers to see if they might want to do it. No, it's too hot ... they'd rather stay inside in the a/c and play video games. I talked to the mother of one kid and she said there's no way her (high school aged) kid can do that as he might hurt himself! I "jokingly" said it was no problem as I have homeowner's insurance. (She didn't see the humor in it)

    I remember as a kid, mom would buy us all 1 pair of new shoes and a couple pairs of pants (dad called 'em "britches") before the new school year was to start. My grandmother would make our shirts with her old Singer. I kinda hated those shirts as SHE was the one who'd pick out the material. (not to mention each shirt had a tag inside the collar that said something like, "Lovingly made by Grandma"). I made my bicycles from old parts I dug out of the trash heap behind the GoodYear tire store (they also sold new Schwinn bicycles and the bike repair shop threw away old parts). I bought my first ever brand new bicycle from the money I made cutting grass. My first skateboard was a piece of 1" X 8" lumber with one of my sister's old roller skates nailed to the bottom. I built a "go-kart" (no motor), to roll down the hill by our house, out of an old ironing board with wheels and axles borrowed from an old rusted out Radio Flyer little red wagon.

    The point of all this is, if I wanted something nice ("store-bought clothes, bicycles, skateboards, whatever), I had to work and BUY them myself. Mom and dad fed us and gave us the basics, but anything more than that had to be earned. We had our list of chores, but I never recall receiving an allowance. I suppose the "allowance" was a roof over our heads.

    The brother I mentioned above? I have no clue where he went wrong. People tend to blame the parents. That may be true at times, but we were all raised in the same household and by the same set of parents (they were divorced after we were adults and had moved on). My sister and BIL are self-made millionaires (literally). My other brother has done VERY well for himself and recently sold his business to retire. He bought a new (Mercedes) motorhome and he and my SIL are now touring the US and Canada. They just returned from a trip up the Alcan Highway after touring Canada and Alaska. In fact, they accompanied Lynn and me on our Panama cruise a few months back. What I'm saying is, we were all raised exactly the same way and the kids in the family range from a multi-millionaire to a homeless fuck.

    Back when I came home from the military, my twin brothers were still at home and were total bums. One was constantly getting in (minor) trouble. Nothing serious, but just had no direction or plan. One night he was out in my dad's car, got stopped for something stupid (traffic stop) and they ended up hauling him to jail and towing the car! We found out he'd let a frigging jaywalking ticket go to warrant! I remember my dad calling me in the middle of the night asking me to go with him to bail my brother out of jail and help him drive to get his car out of impound. He also said he wanted me there to keep him (my dad) from killing him (my brother)! The other twin wasn't getting into trouble, but was a total waste ... worthless ... did NOTHING but sit on his lazy ass and watch tv.

    The next day (after bailing my brother out of jail and helping dad retrieve his car), I woke both brothers up early and LITERALLY dragged them kicking and screaming to the local military recruitment center. I told them they were NOT leaving that place until they'd signed up for the military and I think the look in my eyes put the fear of God into them. I figured they were worthless and the military would straighten their asses out. (Drill Sargents will NOT put up with any crap!) One (the one who was in lock-up the night before) ended up joining the Army and the other joined the Navy. They both did their time and got out. The one who was in the Army has led a decent life ... always held a job, raised a family and now has grandkids he loves. The other (Navy dude) came out as worthless as he was when he went in. He's the one who's spent the last almost 40 years thinking the world owes him something. He had a couple of menial jobs shortly after leaving the Navy, but he'd always just walk away from them. He'd simply go to lunch and never return! I could write a book on him. EVERY family member has "helped" him along the way, and we've ALL been burned! Some worse than others.

    It's through him that I learned there's a system in this country that makes it possible NOT to work. Once he learned that system, he was "set for life". I'm tellin' you, there's something inherently wrong with a system like that.
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  19. #19
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    Unfortunately there's no easy solution. We've started a snowball rolling down the hill that's turned into an avalanche. One thing is for certain, we can't continue on the path we're on and expect to remain a united nation. I'm not sure that the ones getting government aid don't outnumber the taxpaying citizens now. There's little motive to excel in business when you're going to be paying out 50-80% of your profit to feed the fat cats in washington and those whose survive strictly by hanging on the Government tit.

    As far as immigration goes, it's hard to fault people for wanting to come and work to improve their station in life but on the other hand, we can't just open our borders either. We have a procedure for becoming a naturalized citizen. My wife went thru it and it works. Maybe we need to revamp that instead of allowing illegals to run rampant.

    Tough decisions to be made, laws need to be enforced humanely but firmly.
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  20. #20
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    I'll tell you where you can get a wealth of information on government hand-outs. Lynn sometimes hangs out with the housekeepers and maintenance guys at the hotel (might have lunch with them in the break room for example). I'm tellin' ya' ... she comes home with some doosies! One gal just got a free "government phone" (phone and service). Since she has a new Apple Smart Phone, she doesn't need it, so she gave it to her 13 year old daughter. TBH, I didn't know how that worked, so I looked it up with the help of my friend Google. It appears they're available everywhere in the country, but the qualifications vary from state to state. (usually due to varying income levels in different states)

    Anyway, I checked the chart for meeting the requirement and dang! Almost ANYBODY could qualify for a free phone!

    Ok, Hawaii is an expensive state to live in, but just to show the craziness ... in Hawaii, if you pop out 6 welfare kids and "only" make $65,812/year ... you qualify! Tell me sumpin' don't stink in Denmark.
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  21. #21
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Yep, but we can’t mention so ial welfare without mentioning corporate welfare. About $100b a year per the Cato Inst. and don’t forget the big old gift that keeps on giving with the Trump tax cuts. That is nothing but welfare in its own right.

    Viva Renaldo!

  22. #22
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    I think that’s two different animals Barry and I don’t think you can have one conversation that covers both.

    At least the corporations that get “welfare” contribute to the economy instead of just taking from it.

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  23. #23
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Excellent point.
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  24. #24
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    I don’t buy that at face value, Deppity. I would like to see some numbers to show what we got for the $1.5 trillion dollar present we gave to American businesses. They weren’t exactly contributing much before and they sure as hell haven’t raised the bar much. I’ll use them as an example.
    Verizon was good to me, but their record as a corporate citizen sucks.
    Verizon made $19.3 billion in U.S. pretax profits from 2008 to 2012, yet didn’t pay any federal income taxes during the period. Instead, it got $535 million in tax rebates.
    Verizon’s effective federal income tax rate was negative 2.8% from 2008 to 2012. The official corporate tax rate is 35%. This difference allowed Verizon to avoid $7.3 billion in taxes.
    Verizon had $1.9 billion in accumulated offshore profits in 2012, on which it did not pay U.S. taxes.
    While dodging federal taxes, Verizon pocketed $956 million in federal contracts in 2011 and landed a 9-year contract worth $5 billion.
    Verizon shows that cutting taxes doesn’t create jobs. It pays nothing in taxes, but that hasn’t stopped it from slashing 28,500 jobs over the last four years.

    Verizon isn’t the only example.

    So what about this isn’t a gimme? And don’t give me the ‘we’re so overtaxed’ horse stuffins. we have a long list of wants in America and none of them are free.

    Maybe we need to ship these deadbeats to Thumper’s farm too!

    Viva Renaldo!

  25. #25
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Ha! If we want to delve into corporate tax structures, we'd all need an MBA in accounting. I had my own corporation for 20 years and never paid a dime in taxes ... corporate income taxes that is. That does NOT mean I didn't contribute a TON (relative to my business size) to the economy and other government mandated charges. I worked the tax laws to my best advantage, just like any other corporation, who wouldn't? Toward the end of the year, if it looked like I was going to have a tax liability, I'd depreciate out some equipment and purchase new, then begin a new depreciation schedule (as an example). It's the way business is done and it's all above board and legal. BUT ... every single day, I was CONTRIBUTING to society and the economy.

    As Deppity says, we're talking about two different animals here ... TOTALLY different. My brother has not contributed ONE red cent into the economy, but he's spent his entire life taking FROM it. To make matters worse, if you talk to HIM ... the government is screwing him because, in his mind, they should do MORE for him! While everyone was in town for my mom's funeral, only my ex-wife, one of my sisters and one of my brothers went to see him in the hospital. They came back to the hotel pissed off, aggravated and irritable. All said they felt like wringing his neck by time they left his room. He even had the balls to complain about being "broke" and they reached into their pockets and came up with $200 cash to help him out. Don't get me started on that worthless piece of shit or you'd see the mother of all Thump posts.

    The point is, the system breeds these leaches and it needs to be fixed. Who will fix it and how they will fix it remains to be seen. The problem is, once people are used to it, it's hard to take it away. I seriously doubt it'll ever happen, especially with the new breed of politicians espousing free healthcare for all, $15 minimum wages for h/s kids bagging French Fries at MacD's, free college tuition, et al. Now the vote buying is in full swing with Democrats fighting to get on the ticket with their "vote buying" strategies. Bernie with his free health care for all, including UNDOCUMENTED aliens and clowns like Andrew Yang with his silly universal basic income (UBI) plan, where he wants to guarantee every American, over the age of 18, $1,000 per month. (isn't it odd that 18 yr. old's can vote?) No biggie, Booker wants to do the same but start that $1000 at birth! Now throw in the Williamson chick who wants to pay reparations for slavery! WTF??? Do YOU know ONE black American who is suffering due to slavery in the 1800's? Or is she simply trying to buy the black vote? Of course Warren wants to provide free college for all and forgive all student loans. Harris wants to give every couple $6000/year for "basic needs". Where does all this bullshit stop?

    Sorry. I need a break. I think my B/P meds have become a bit ineffective all of a sudden.
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  26. #26
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Chicken Dinner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quercus alba View Post
    Personally, I say lets keep the Mexicans and send them the dregs of our society for a change

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  27. #27
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quercus alba View Post
    Personally, I say lets keep the Mexicans and send them the dregs of our society for a change
    Ha ha ha! Not a bad idea at all .... like Castro did to us with the Mariel boatlift!
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  28. #28
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Its been a week since the raid. How long do you think before we see charges against those employers? Seemed kind of like a lead pipe cinch it would happen.
    Viva Renaldo!

  29. #29
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Chicken Dinner's Avatar
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    ICE raided seven MS chicken processing plants, today.....

    If they were going to charge employers, they should start with the Trump Organization which has a long history of employing illegals.

    I did see one report that they didn’t actually know how many of them were actually illegal. But, if you were brown and didn’t have a passport on you then you got taken away.

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    Last edited by Chicken Dinner; 08-13-2019 at 04:23 PM.
    "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." Raoul Duke

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