I'll tell you where you can get a wealth of information on government hand-outs. Lynn sometimes hangs out with the housekeepers and maintenance guys at the hotel (might have lunch with them in the break room for example). I'm tellin' ya' ... she comes home with some doosies! One gal just got a free "government phone" (phone and service). Since she has a new Apple Smart Phone, she doesn't need it, so she gave it to her 13 year old daughter. TBH, I didn't know how that worked, so I looked it up with the help of my friend Google. It appears they're available everywhere in the country, but the qualifications vary from state to state. (usually due to varying income levels in different states)

Anyway, I checked the chart for meeting the requirement and dang! Almost ANYBODY could qualify for a free phone!

Ok, Hawaii is an expensive state to live in, but just to show the craziness ... in Hawaii, if you pop out 6 welfare kids and "only" make $65,812/year ... you qualify! Tell me sumpin' don't stink in Denmark.