We have a spare that came out of the Hyatt when they upgraded tv's a while back. It's a 43" Samsung, but it was wall mounted and has no base (or the wall mount). Where we would have it, it would need a base (which I can most likely locate on eBay). It also has no remote (also an eBay item). Basically, I could prolly take the $75 I make from selling MY base and remote and break even. It's just the hassle of dealing with it. I'm stubborn, since I have something here that will "work", I can't see going out for a new one. I suppose I could prop it up on the table and change channels manually until I get a base and remote. Just call me Fred Sanford.

Worst case scenario, I still have our trusty old 27" tube type tv in the garage .... but I'd have to hire 3 men and a boy to help me carry it in the house. I can't believe how frigging heavy tv's used to be!