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Thread: Fake News

  1. #1
    Grand High Exalted Taser-Master
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    Fake News

    I can remember when journalism was an honorable profession. Reporters had integrity and actually researched facts on a subject before it became news. If a mistake was made there was almost always a public retraction. Even Dan Rather was respected before he decided that his agenda was more important than the truth. Now the news is nothing but agenda driven drivel with so little truth it’s usually mere coincidence. Both sides have taken what was once a dependable source of information and turned it into misinformation and outright lies.

    I don’t believe a word that comes out of any of theirs mouths, or in print. The CDC and WHO are just as guilty as any of them. We have idea what the truth is about the Covid virus, just whatever spin they think we ought to hear.

    They (the media as a whole) might as well be the Star or the National Enquirer for all the truth they hold.

    End of rant
    Last edited by quercus alba; 04-23-2020 at 12:09 AM.

  2. #2
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    I was a news junkie as a kid, believe it or not, and would actually get up early every morning to read the newspaper BEFORE going to school (our paper was delivered around 4:00 am). I remained a news junkie until I was in the military. Being in the "intel" field, I knew (experienced) the news as it happened. I guess you could say, I knew the news before it was news!

    That's when I started losing my love affair with reading/watching the news. Why? Because most of the time, what I saw or read, was NOT the truth, in not all, but many cases. On TV, I grew up with Chet Huntley and David Brinkley (“Good night, Chet.” “Good night, David.”) and Walter Cronkite (“And that’s the way it is.”). But somewhere along the line, news started changing imho. I KNOW for a fact that during Vietnam, much of the news was only what was released by the government, but it was for good reason and I totally understood. During 'Nam, there were field reporters, but even they had to be briefed on what could and could not be reported. Ummm, duh, "Mr. Media Man, please don't release these battle plans BEFORE we initiate them!" I was personally involved in one fiasco caused by the media. Someone had interviewed a soon to be EX intel dufus, who decided to fill the media in on who "we" were, what we were doing and where we were doing it. It hit the news (New York Times), our cover was blown and we had to go on immediate "full alert", cancel intel gathering and pull out of the area immediately. The "news" put a lot of people in grave danger (including myself), and that's when I got the first bad taste in my mouth for "f'ing news people".

    Then along came cable news! That's when the "news" became nothing more than "political commentary". Not only did it become political commentary, it soon morphed into "politically BIASED commentary"! To chose your "news" programs nowadays, you simply have to decide on what your political leanings are before you know which network to watch. If it were REAL NEWS, you could watch ANY network and get the same news, but your only preference would be the commentators themselves ... you know, like in the days of Chet/David or Walter.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  3. #3
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    I’ve always watched the news and the media has spun shit from the very beginning. We’ve just always been smart enough to sift the pepper from the fly shit and we kept our political views pretty much to ourselves.
    And we were smart enouh to know the difference. And we didn’t worship liars.

    Now, notsomuch.

    Viva Renaldo!

  4. #4
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Well, it's not "news" anymore. Now, some "news" channels spend more time being narcissistic than doing hard journalism. They talk about how they "feel" about this or that, or give opinions. It's all of them. You can still find out what happened (the definition of news) but you have to sift and discard and read between the lines.

    I admit, I stopped watching TV news a long time ago. If I watch anything, it's for entertainment. Well, that, and I've grown weary of thinking for myself. So, I'm addicted to Tucker Carlson. I just watch him so I know what to think. It's way easier than trying to figure it out on my own. I don't have time for that. I'm too busy being apathetic.

    It ain't just the news people though. These "experts" that told us to shut down the country have been dead, flat wrong every time they speak. Their record of knowing what is happening right now is almost as abysmal as their record of predicting what's coming. Oh, I know this is bad juju and fatal. I get that part. But sometimes they're just wrong, and other times they're playing loose with the truth.

    I just hope the dang crappie and deer don't catch this crap.
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  5. #5
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    These "experts" that told us to shut down the country have been dead, flat wrong every time they speak. Their record of knowing what is happening right now is almost as abysmal as their record of predicting what's coming.
    First off, I hate all of the crap that's going on right now ... heck, who in their right mind wouldn't? I fear more for the shape of the economy (and our, personal, long saved for retirement investments) and can't help but feel for the smaller business owners (especially since I WAS one). Heck, I'm not even sure how many of the major corporations will weather this storm. BUT ... that said, I have no clue how you can make the statement you made above. I find it hard to believe they are so wrong and you are so right. Personally, I have no clue who is right ... or who is "righter" than someone else. This event is unprecedented and there is no guidebook or precedence to follow. As miserable as the current restrictions are, I think it's much better to err on the side of caution than risk the alternative. But whatever view you may have ... I have to agree, this can't go on for much longer. I couldn't have agreed with Trump more than when he said, “We can’t have the cure be worse than the problem." I think we're rapidly approaching that breaking point.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  6. #6
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thumper View Post
    First off, I hate all of the crap that's going on right now ... heck, who in their right mind wouldn't? I fear more for the shape of the economy (and our, personal, long saved for retirement investments) and can't help but feel for the smaller business owners (especially since I WAS one). Heck, I'm not even sure how many of the major corporations will weather this storm. BUT ... that said, I have no clue how you can make the statement you made above. I find it hard to believe they are so wrong and you are so right. Personally, I have no clue who is right ... or who is "righter" than someone else. This event is unprecedented and there is no guidebook or precedence to follow. As miserable as the current restrictions are, I think it's much better to err on the side of caution than risk the alternative. But whatever view you may have ... I have to agree, this can't go on for much longer. I couldn't have agreed with Trump more than when he said, “We can’t have the cure be worse than the problem." I think we're rapidly approaching that breaking point.

    Man, I do NOT think I'm right. I do NOT know what RIGHT is. I didn't say that.

    I said............that we keep being told "Stop listening to politicians and listen to the experts". And I did. I actually still do. But man..........their record is abysmal. Fauci said originally that we have nothing to worry about from Covid. Adams said we shouldn't wear masks at all. Birx said 250,000 would be dead by now. They've been WRONG! You think those statements are still valid? Still true?

    I understand that predictions change when facts change. But the models that they used to shut down this country already had "stay indoors, lock it down" built into them. And they were wrong! They're still wrong. They're being lowered every other day.

    I don't know what a BETTER answer is! I'm not claiming that because they are wrong, that I am right!! I am simply saying that I'm tired of being told I MUST listen to the experts only..........when they are wrong.

    Here's one thing I'm keeping my eye on..........and not just cause my son lives there........and that is Georgia. Gov there is opening it all up. Well, in 2 weeks, 3 weeks, we can begin to see the impact there. If it's bad, maybe we learn this is still around big time. If it's good, maybe we learn it's bad but not crippling. I don't know.

    I DO NOT KNOW. I never said I did. I just said I'm observing reality........and reality is that the experts have not been right very often.

    But we do agree that it doesn't matter one iota how many are killed (well, unless that number is 100,000,000 or something......), we have to open back up or lose the country. Period. The cure can NOT be worse than the disease. We can't hunker down for 6 more months like some suggest (the ones that demand I listen to the experts). We can't.
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  7. #7
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Its pretty sad when we have higher expectations for truth from the media than we do people we vote for.
    Viva Renaldo!

  8. #8
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    Yeah, people's nerves are a bit frazzled at this point. Mine too.

    And these dunderheads we have running around making statements based purely on conjecture or half-assed models are not making it easier. This is sort of like when I try to get my students to understand the concept of entropy. Is it a state property just like internal energy and density? Or is it's production a measure of how efficient a process or system is working? Or is entropy a mysterious concept that has implications for religion and philosophy if taken as a whole?

    Truth is it is all three of these and more. And this virus has just as much ambiguity right not. Is it a lethal virus that can and does completely destroy the human body? Yes. But it is also no more serious than the flu.... if you are one of the lucky ones. Can it leave survivors scarred and permanently lessened? Yes, but it can also be so mild as to be unnoticed by some.

    Right now we just don't know much. We do know one thing though: this thing has done a lot of damage and the terrifyingly destructive steps taken to contain it so far have limited its reach. A lot. But what happens later on? Are we just postponing the inevitable? We could well be doing just that. We don't know if herd immunity is even possible with this thing, it may mutate out of our reach time and again. Same for a vaccine. We haven't ever invented one for a coronavirus yet... will we manage to do so this time? And just why the hell is the death rate such a scattershot function? Are there different forms of it that have different lethalities?

    Hell, I don't know. But on one wants to hear that.


  9. #9
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Yes, Willy! I don't know the answer. I don't think anyone HAS the answer. LOOK HERE.......this is just out, last few minutes. Think on this one for a while. This is just a small excerpt.

    New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo revealed Thursday that preliminary results from a coronavirus antibody study show the statewide infection rate is 13.9 percent, which would mean around 2.7 million residents could have carried the disease.

    Now what the flying flip are we supposed to believe now? And how should we act?
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  10. #10
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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    I only watch Fox News channel....The CNN/MSN/ABC/NBC/CBS/ are nothing more than Jerry Springer hate America shows.

    What CNN did to that kid Nicholas Sandmann was proof these people suffer from Trump derangement syndrome!

    They wanted to punch this kids face over a Maga hat! WTF?.....all the anchors are queers/Gay men sleeping/having sex with each other...> WTF >that is some SICK Mother Fuckers.

    Trump 2020 by landslide!...I can't wait to watch these queer gay motherfukers scream at the sky again!...

  11. #11
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    A/B’s been drinking again! 😁

    They’re all the same, it’s just which side of the political fence you’re on as to which ones you consider the good guys and bad guys.

    I can only take about 10 minutes of Hannity for example. Although I’m on his side of the “fence”, I get sick and tired of his constant Liberal bashing and repetitiveness. I get it Hannity. I got it the first time you said it. After the 20th time, I think you’re simply questioning my intelligence.

  12. #12
    Delta Dufus Big Muddy's Avatar
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    """""Trump 2020 by landslide!...I can't wait to watch these queer gay motherfukers scream at the sky again!!!"""""

    I hope you're 100% correct, my friend.....I can't find my prediction post from a couple of months ago, but just remember that I predicted that Biden would name either Hillary or Moochie, as his VP running's gonna happen, and it's gonna be a close election.
    Southern Gentleman

  13. #13
    Grand High Exalted Taser-Master
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    In response to Willie

    How long until a miracle cure or a vaccine becomes available? Tomorrow? Next month? Next year? Suppose this is like cancer or the common cold and there is no cure or vaccine? Maybe this is natures way of weeding out the old and weak and sick, maybe it's just an inevitable part of life that we simply cannot control. I don't know the what or why, it appears that nobody does.

    The question is how long can you afford to hide under your bed? I think the time is rapidly approaching where people are going to have to lace up their work boots and get back to living their lives. Yes it's going to cause another big spike but what choice do we have? People are going to have to take control of their own lives, control of their own safety and deal with what we can't control. We're probably a little better prepared for the next outbreak than we were the first one so that will help some. There are some common sense safety measures that we can take to keep the next outbreak down if we follow them but I'm afraid complacency will set in and here we go again.

    History has taught us that you can't run and you can't hide from these types of things. Maybe the answer is we've got to outlive it. Maybe not, there may be no such thing as natural immunity to this virus, we just don't know. I feel that we need to get the job market back open and the schools back open and do it soon. Yes, there will be old people die when we do. And young people. And Kids. And no, there is no acceptable number but what can we do?

    I think the answer may be in the words of Andy Dufresne when he said "Get busy living or get busy dying"

  14. #14
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thumper View Post
    A/B’s been drinking again! ��

    They’re all the same, it’s just which side of the political fence you’re on as to which ones you consider the good guys and bad guys.

    I can only take about 10 minutes of Hannity for example. Although I’m on his side of the “fence”, I get sick and tired of his constant Liberal bashing and repetitiveness. I get it Hannity. I got it the first time you said it. After the 20th time, I think you’re simply questioning my intelligence.
    No, they're NOT all the same, man.

    Well, except Hannity. You're spot on about Hannity. LOL

    I've gotten so lazy. I just listen to Tucker Carlson to know what to think. It was so tiring having to come up with that crap by myself.
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  15. #15
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    And in an attempt to be semi-serious, let me ask a question for your dufes to think about. Honest.

    The losing side in the next election in November..........tell me what you think they will actually do after that. I don't mean the next morning, necessarily (though not ruling that out totally, either). But in general. Describe how America will look for the next few months after the election.
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  16. #16
    Administrator Arty's Avatar
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    So is it ONLY queer gay MF’ers that scream at the sky?

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  17. #17
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Trav's Avatar
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    Well take this for what’s its worth but I have a friend who’s mom has been in the hospital for about 5 weeks waiting on a liver transplant, she passed away a week ago and the death certificate stated Coronavirus as the cause of death. I think there has been a lot of that going on.
    “ No kingdom can be secured otherwise than by arming the people. The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave”

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  18. #18
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arty View Post
    So is it ONLY queer gay MF’ers that scream at the sky?

    No, them transgender people too! you know, all them people that voted for Hillary last time.

    How could anyone vote for this

  19. #19
    Grand High Exalted Taser-Master
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    Wow, new symptoms popping up every day. I'll bet my excess weight, laziness and repulsive looks can be blamed on Covid...... wait until I tell my wife that I'm a victim

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trav View Post
    Well take this for what’s its worth but I have a friend who’s mom has been in the hospital for about 5 weeks waiting on a liver transplant, she passed away a week ago and the death certificate stated Coronavirus as the cause of death. I think there has been a lot of that going on.
    Fo real?!?

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  21. #21
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Anecdotal, but I also know of two.........actually second hand, I admit.......a friend that's a doctor is telling me about this very thing happening. It's what they are "asked" (by whom? I dunno. Illuminati I guess. LOL) to do. It's "Dying WITH Coronavirus vs. Dying FROM Coronavirus).

    And Airbud, my wife asked same question. Here's the answer. It doesn't matter. He can be senile, silly, uninformed, dirty, guilty, corrupt, ugly, too old, whatever. She can be a card-carrying registered idiot. Doesn't matter. They have the only thing that matters to almost 100% of the Democrat voters (btw, they are not DEMOCRATIC voters. Nothing democratic about an authoritarian private entity like the DNC). They have.............the "I'M NOT TRUMP" factor.

    That is all they need. No, no one can can validly explain why that's so important. But it does go back to my question above. Just how long are we gonna survive if we're this split? And when the Big Split comes, what are folks like Jimmy gonna do if they just don't like picking sides? (I'm jk Kribbs).

    It's a mess. I don't know the fix. But I am going to bet that the next 6 months will be the most amazingly weird and explosive and nutty and impossible-to-decipher half-year in our history.

    Or not.
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  22. #22
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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    Why the CNN/NBC never talk about Joe Biden's sexual assault accusers? remember Brett Kavanaugh? They were all over that shit!...Even Joe Biden says all women should be believed yet they don't care about his accusers? wonder why? what's changed?

    And how many times did Anderson Cooper interview Michael Avenatti? Michael Avenatti appeared on CNN and MSNBC over 100 times during a 10-week period because he had the goods on Trump! how did that turn out?

    and don't get me started on the impeachment saga while Trump was Banning flights from China!

  23. #23
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Trav's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arty View Post
    Fo real?!?

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    For 100% real, not second hand but straight from the horses mouth.
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  24. #24
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trav View Post
    For 100% real, not second hand but straight from the horses mouth.

    Trav, did she even test positive????
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  25. #25
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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    my favorite show is Tucker Carlson!....But yea, Hannity is number one because he will never cross Trump's back!...

    Hannity got Trumps Back till the day he dies!....period!....That is why he is #1 in the world!....loyal till the end!

    as an American I can definitely respect that.

  26. #26
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Ha! Look up “brown-noser” in your Funk & Wagnalls and you’ll see a pic of Hannity with his nose so far up Trump’s ass you won’t even be able to see his ears.

  27. #27
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thumper View Post
    Ha! Look up “brown-noser” in your Funk & Wagnalls and you’ll see a pic of Hannity with his nose so far up Trump’s ass you won’t even be able to see his ears.
    Dude you talking about Jussie Smollett?...I hear Don Lemon will let you smell his finger.

    what side of the bathroom you on Thump?

    Last edited by airbud7; 04-24-2020 at 09:13 PM.

  28. #28
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Trav's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckrub View Post
    Trav, did she even test positive????
    . Was never even tested
    “ No kingdom can be secured otherwise than by arming the people. The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave”

    James Burg, An Enquiry into, Public Errors, Defects and Abuses 1775

  29. #29
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Now, Airbud's lengthy coded message is clearly one of the most interesting posts I've ever seen, here or elsewhere.

    Trouble is, I'm not sure but what I understood part of it!!!!!!!!
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  30. #30
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trav View Post
    . Was never even tested
    Not tested, but coded as Coronavirus. I got a feeling there are those in the world that would boldly call you a liar. I ain't one of 'em. That's amazing. That kind of bullcrap is what is making many of us mad as spit.

    This is not going to end well...................
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