Well, we just got home. Gave up. Throwing in the towel. I tried shopping on-line but ran into nothing but "out of stock" notices. Lynn and I decided to head out to see if we could dig something up. First stop, Best Buy. They laughed at us and said they've been sold out since the first week of the pandemic!

Next stop, Lowes. COOL! They had a couple of freezers on the floor! BUT ... here's the sign that was taped to the door.


Ok, so I grab a passing sales associate and ask if there's any way I could buy the floor model. He just pointed to another sign a few units down the isle and walked off!


So, off we went to Home Depot. They looked at us like we were from Mars. Then Sam's, same deal. We hit a few large appliance stores ... zilch, zip, nada.

We gave up and came home. I called Costco ... don't have 'em, haven't had 'em and have no idea when they'll have 'em. We scanned Craig's List ... NOPE! Then a lightbulb went off! I was at an estate sale this past weekend and remember seeing a large, upright, garage freezer in their ad. I called my buddy to see if it sold and if not, does he still have access to the house? He said the FIRST guy through the door, on the FIRST day of the sale, purchased it.

Lynn and I are scrambling on the internet now and calling every mom and pop outfit in the area. So far, freezers are more rare (rarer?) than toilet paper! At least I can FIND toilet paper if I look hard enough. AAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!