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Thread: Guys (and gal)

  1. #1
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Guys (and gal)

    Larke's passing has REALLY affected me and I'm having a hard time shaking it. Lynn is confused as this seems to have hit me much harder than when my own father passed away 10 years ago ... also suddenly and unexpectedly ... and we were VERY close .... extremely close. Maybe it's just my older age now and realizing my own vulnerabilities, I don't really know. I've tried posting on Larke's Facebook page numerous times and I have simply broken down and cried like a baby every time. I delete what I started and promise myself I'll come back to it. I've actually started THIS post twice this morning and haven't been able to finish, so bear with me on this attempt. Just know that Larke was probably the finest OVERALL individual I've ever known in my lifetime and I'll leave it at that. I already miss him terribly.

    As our membership ages, it seems our main expenses are not really going toward site upkeep, rather it's being used more for paying respect to lost members. It's becoming more of a memorial fund and I think it's a testimony as to how much we, as a group, have become more of a family than just a rag-tag group of internet axe-murderers. As for the site, I've had requests here on the site, as well as PM's asking how to donate to the G/H slush fund. The generosity from all involved with this place is a bit overwhelming and EVERY TIME we've had a fund drive, the outpouring from our members is astonishing. The fund is down to $67.25 right now, which is the lowest it's ever been, BUT ... all our bills are paid and won't be due for a while. Once things settle down a bit, I will need help figuring out what to do with the place .... well, we want to keep it up and running, I just need to find out WHAT we have to do to continue without some sort of major interruption. Gary Carty turned the domain over to Cappy with the understanding that if Cappy ever decided he no longer wanted it, ownership would return to Gary. When expenses came up, Cappy put them on his credit card and I'd reimburse him. I have no clue what the passwords are for the site as Cappy handled all the business with Go Daddy. I "believe" Len may have the passwords from when he did some work on the site, but I haven't spoken with him about it yet. Co9 used to work on it, but we lost him. Foo did some work at one time, but he's MIA and it's doubtful he still has them. In fact, I don't even know if the passwords they would need to maintain the site, even have anything to do with the registration and/or payment passwords. It's kind of a mess right now, but it'll get worked out ... I think ... I hope. Obviously, I'm just a lowly accountant and not a techie, so I haven't gotten to the point of seriously working on getting the answers. Larke was just laid to rest yesterday, so it's still early. I'm taking a long weekend to just rest and attempt to get through this grieving process the best I can. What sucks is, we're leaving early tomorrow morning to head for Daytona for a few days R&R. Why does that suck? It's been planned for a month or so, but I just realized the last time I was in Daytona was to meet up with Larke and Cheryl and will be driving right past our meeting spot as I roll into town.

    My personal info is all over ol' Al Gore's I-net anyway, so I don't mind posting it here. The easiest way to send funds is through PayPal. My email is:

    If you're a dinosaur and still use checks, my snail mail is:

    Jim Kribbs
    5515 North Cove
    Lakeland, FL 33809

    Note: If you send cash .... I "promise" I'll add it to the kitty. (HA!)

    If you need to text, call, or whatever, my cell is:

    If you want to make a direct deposit, my personal checking account number is ....
    Ok, you didn't REALLY think I was THAT dumb, did you?

    So you know, I do keep a ledger of all contributors and their contributions, but it's kept private. I keep a record of all income/expenses and they are available to anyone who asks. I occasionally post a copy of the ledger here on the site, but it's time consuming and I'm lazy, so I probably don't do it as often as I should, but again, will do it anytime I'm asked.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  2. #2
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    You’re not alone in that regard, Jim.

    ps.....if, considering the characters I’m talking about, it makes you feel any better.
    Viva Renaldo!

  3. #3
    Administrator LJ3's Avatar
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    I'm with you on the impact of Larke being gone. I miss him significantly. I can also relate to this hitting harder than either of my parents deaths. Not sure I understand why.

    Larke mentioned a month or two ago that he wasn't going to renew the goodhunting stuff this time around. He had run his course with it all. There were no other takers in that conversation. I don't know if I have the passwords or not. I can see if they're cached anywhere or if Larke emailed them to me at some point.

    You used the term dinosaur. I don't mean any of this in a mean or insensitive way but message boards are very much dinosaurs these days. I realize most of us are dinosaurs as well but there's a difference in being a technical dinosaur. We get left behind. There's plenty of options out there that cost nothing at all, are easy to implement, you don't have to constantly fight off hackers, there's zero upkeep, and will allow us to all communicate in pretty much the same ways. It does require to open our minds a bit and consider how things are done these days. There's just no reason to piss away time and money unnecessarily to be able to communicate with one another.
    If we all threw our problems in a pile, and you saw everyone else's problems-- you'd take yours back.

  4. #4
    Grand High Exalted Taser-Master
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    Anyway we can save our archives? lots of good memories there

  5. #5
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Oh, Lenster, Ill be the first to admit I'm in that dinosaur bracket ... with both feet. I'm VERY resistant to change and many here are too. I remember, way back when, anytime we had a software upgrade and our format changed with the upgrade, everyone would have a hissy-fit and hated it. Every time (me included). You get used to something and get comfortable with it and it's hard to change. Heck, I remember not too terribly long ago, Bucky ridiculing me because I was still physically going to the bank and writing checks to pay my bills through the U.S. Mail. The difference was, at that time, I'd used the same bank for 30 years and it's one block from my house. I'd go in and could name probably 90% of the employees in there and they'd say, "Good morning Mr. Kribbs" when I'd walk in the door. I finally folded and gave in to the masses. ALL my bills are paid on-line now. With that bank, I have two credit cards, a car loan, a CD, a checking account and a savings account. They also carried my mortgage for 30 years until it was paid off last August. Today, I couldn't name ONE person in that place and they wouldn't know me from Adam if I walked in. A few years back, I had a bunch of people telling me I HAD to get on Facebook. I finally caved in to the pressure and spent ONE weekend building my page. Oh, I had big plans for expansion as I have a bazillion pics I'd planned on adding, but I never went back to it. You know what I use it for? To be informed of friend's birthdays so that I can post a note on their page (or here). Now, that's even if'y because it seems they've even taken control of that aspect. I seldom get birthday notifications any more OR notices that someone has responded to a post I've made on their page. It seems, Facebook can do anything they want to control your account.

    This place is like home (to me) and much more personal imho. Q/A has a good question. When we abandoned our original site, we lost all the archives. I've many times wished I could go back to that old site and pull something from the archives (that no longer exist). We started that original site to get away from the control All Outdoors had over us. They dictated what we could and could not say. They were heavy handed with their "delete button" whenever we strayed from their policies or even made an off-topic post. We started G/H to have total control and we all agreed there would be no rules or deletions. We agreed to police ourselves. If something was said that we didn't feel was appropriate, we may speak our minds and let our thoughts be known, but the only deletions that transpired, would be made by the writer of the post. I'm sure there are other sites where we could enjoy the same freedoms, but I just wouldn't know because I'm set in my ways and don't surf the net. TBH, the maintenance on this site has been zilch for a long time and has been pretty much trouble free. The cost is very low and most of our contributions have gone to other things. We sent Foobang and Co9 a little thank you years ago after they straightened the site out after we were hacked. It was a ton of work and we all (here) agreed to send them $100 each as a thank you. That was probably 13-14 years ago and we've never had a problem since. (I guess we'd left a backdoor open or something to let hackers slip in here). As for funerals and flowers, we pretty much play that by ear and have stepped up a few times over the years, but I seriously doubt ANYONE here opposed the move as it was always discussed first. I think it's a "feel-good" thing that we can all benefit from IMO and it just plain helps take away some of the pain ... for both us and the family.

    Cappy also mentioned to me he was ready to give up maintaining the site, but his reason (as expressed to me) was that he just had too much on his plate and was wanting to downsize. I really think, deep down, he knew "something" was wrong. He wanted me to come up there with a U-Haul truck and load up tons of the stuff he's been collecting all his life and bring it here, sell it on eBay and split the profits with him. His parents (ill health) were wearing him down. Maintaining the farm was weighing him down and he talked about it often. I think he was tired and needed a rest and deep down inside, I feel much of that stress is what helped bring him down. But that's just me. I guess somebody needs to grab the bull by the horns and take control of the site ... make some hard decisions. But I'd sure hope there'd be a consensus here before any change like that is made. Personally, I have a feeling it would just lose that "personal touch" and I'd eventually end up treating it like I do Facebook ... a lack of interest and just too tired to adjust to the change. I don't know, it sounds narrow-minded and plain silly really, it's just the way I feel, right or wrong.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  6. #6
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands)
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    I still do banking by checks and some bills online.
    The people at my bank (38 years now) know me by my first name and my truck. Lol
    I do NOT DO FACEBOOK, Twitter etc etc.
    I do iMessage friends and family on my phone.
    This is the only message board I visit and lurk.

    I follow a few YouTube sites and that’s about it.
    So I guess I’m just old. Lol

    I’ve put a lot of time and research into making pages for our Gone But Not Forgotten members.
    Id hate to see that all lost and all our archives!
    Last edited by Sunshine; 08-06-2020 at 04:20 PM.

  7. #7
    Administrator LJ3's Avatar
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    Jimmy, I’m not judging you or anyone else. I hope it didn’t come across that way.

    I don’t have time or desire to screw around with any of the site stuff but I can manage to get in to godaddy, I’ll let whoever wants the login creds for it have them.

    If the site manager stuff needs work, that’s above my pay grade.

  8. #8
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Oh, no offense taken Tic, I’m just not sure what we need to do. I still need to talk to Gary to see if he even wants to maintain ownership of the domain. I’d also hope he’d volunteer to handle any tech stuff we need done. He can do what would take us weeks, in a matter of minutes. I just don’t know if he even has the slightest interest anymore, or the time to fool with it. Foo was good at it, but he’s moved on also. Co9 loved dabbling, but we’ve lost him. Plus, there’s always the chance I’m blowing it all out of proportion and assuming it’s worse than it really is. I am NOT tech savvy in the least, so most anything is above MY pay grade. One thought, I did get in touch with Nandy to let him know about Larke. It seems like he used to do some of the technical stuff on the site, but I may be wrong. But then again, he’s been awol for years also and doesn’t even check in himself anymore

    Let’s just say, I’m open for suggestions as to our future. We have plenty of time. I paid all the bills in June so I believe we have a year from that point, but we’ll have to address the issue eventually. Probably sooner than later.

  9. #9
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    I understand message boards ain’t the thing any more. Speaking only for me, I’m not willing to give up the friendships I have with people on this site. And this is about the main and IMO best place I’m able to keep up with them.
    That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t happily participate in an alternative, I just don’t know what that is.

    Viva Renaldo!

  10. #10
    Administrator Arty's Avatar
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    We could also go back to the private Facebook page we had during that interim period between sites.
    Hell we’d probably even actually get NEW people engaging.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  11. #11
    Administrator LJ3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arty View Post
    We could also go back to the private Facebook page we had during that interim period between sites.
    Hell we’d probably even actually get NEW people engaging.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Silence, warlock!!

  12. #12
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    I don't Facebook. I'll send you some money when things settle down here. Larke is about the 3rd "loss" for us this year. It's only August and I sit around most days waiting on another shoe to drop. Mama spent the day in the trailer bawling. It's been 4 months. five maybe. Family loss. Family problems, unsolvable. World in chaos. Country falling apart. Roof blew off of house. In Indiana, spent thousands getting trailer worked on. Just in shock, both of us, to be honest. No answers, just in the dark. But many have same type problems, I'm not special. But dang, it just keeps coming and coming and coming. Dang. I just typed several more sentences, and erased them and retyped them 7 times. I can't say all that's in my mind.

    I don't know any answers. I'm glad I had a small hand in starting this nuthouse. But it wasn't much, and that's just a fact, not false modesty. Gary did it. Then others funded it. I didn't do crap.

    Glad it exists.
    WARNING - Due to the rising costs of ammunition, warning shots will no longer be given.

  13. #13
    Grand High Exalted Taser-Master
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    Somebody needs to tell Arkansas fans that message boards are obsolete. Hogville has 24,000 members 425,000 topics and 11 million posts.

    and growing

  14. #14
    Administrator Arty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quercus alba View Post
    Somebody needs to tell Arkansas fans that message boards are obsolete. Hogville has 24,000 members 425,000 topics and 11 million posts.

    and growing

    There is a key word in that statement that starts with an A...
    jusssst sayin’!

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  15. #15
    Grand High Exalted Taser-Master
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  16. #16
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Same for most of college sports. That 247 outfit bought up a lot of college message boards and there is some pretty good info sometimes. Kind of like rumor central.

    Viva Renaldo!

  17. #17
    Administrator LJ3's Avatar
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    They probably have a free offering where you could set up a message board for good hunting in about 10 minutes and not have to pay a dime.

  18. #18
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arty View Post
    We could also go back to the private Facebook page we had during that interim period between sites.
    Hell we’d probably even actually get NEW people engaging.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    The only issues I have with moving to the Facebook group is my agency has a very strict social media policy and they check up on where we post things. Add to that the current cancel climate and how old social media posts are coming back to ruin people’s careers. Sometimes our discussions aren’t the most politically correct.

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    "Never try to fight an Old Dude. If you win, there's no glory; if you lose, your reputation is shot."

  19. #19
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Good point.
    Viva Renaldo!

  20. #20
    Administrator Arty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeputyDog View Post
    The only issues I have with moving to the Facebook group is my agency has a very strict social media policy and they check up on where we post things. Add to that the current cancel climate and how old social media posts are coming back to ruin people’s careers. Sometimes our discussions aren’t the most politically correct.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Very good point.
    If the group is “private” I believe it would make it very difficult for anyone to snoop around. Although I could be wrong

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  21. #21
    Administrator LJ3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeputyDog View Post
    The only issues I have with moving to the Facebook group is my agency has a very strict social media policy and they check up on where we post things. Add to that the current cancel climate and how old social media posts are coming back to ruin people’s careers. Sometimes our discussions aren’t the most politically correct.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I made the group private. Nobody that's not a member can see any posts made there.

    I'm not trying to draw anyone away from this message board in any way. I was just tweaking that old facebook page to make sure it was still alive if needed. This is still salvageable but you need very old skill sets that I don't possess. I haven't had any luck getting in to Larke's godaddy account yet, either.
    If we all threw our problems in a pile, and you saw everyone else's problems-- you'd take yours back.

  22. #22
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    Not MIA. Lurking. I don't think I have the passwords though. I can look.

  23. #23
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    Oh hey. Look at that. I am able to log in as Admin still.
    Not sure what to do here, but I can get in as an administrator...?
    Time was, I could actually log into the server and pull EVERYTHING. Not sure where to start with that though..

  24. #24
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    Looks like there are only about 1,520 people waiting to be accepted as new members in the queue...

  25. #25
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    Happy to add administrators.. Not sure how though.. Checking.
    Update: Found it! Added Len as administrator. Found the "backdoor" account and password into the actual database server. Progress.

  26. #26
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Well hello stranger! Yep, I have admin. powers, but I have no clue if that's all that's needed to do anything super technical ... like I'd even know what I'm doing anyway. Heck, I don't even know what we need to do, or even IF we need to do ANYTHING. I suppose we could always contact Go Daddy, explain the situation (even send them the link for the obit) and possibly they could simply transfer the account to whomever will be handling it. I seriously doubt that part would be a big deal as I would think all they need to know is who to send the bill to.

    Again, I also know the domain name needs to be paid for occasionally to keep it registered, but I have no clue how that is done or what is needed to do it. Don't be such a stranger ... it's great to see you dropping in again.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  27. #27
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    It's not just admin passwords.. Need the server passwords too. I think I am getting closer.. Got into the database anyway.

  28. #28
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    ..And not to make excuses, but I been wrapped up in school and was working two jobs (TA at school). Hardly left time for anything at all. School's out and I have no job at the moment, so, yay?

  29. #29
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Howdy Foo!
    Viva Renaldo!

  30. #30
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Bwana's Avatar
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    Obviously I've not been around long enough as I was not aware of the Facebook page.

    As for Foo, glad to have you back Mr. Carpeater.

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