Which ones? Not being obtuse, just asking because I really don't know much about either or those two. OKeefe I've no experience with. Veritas has done some pretty good stuff I saw but did put out one completely misleading video I watched. Another I am not sure of. But I've only seen a few of their vids.

I do know for a fact that this guy put out a video denying the recant. I did watch that. And neither side denies that he was interviewed yesterday. What happened in the interview? If you think for one minute that I am going to listen to 3 or 4 hours of that kind of thing I've got a story about a fish I caught a while back to tell you.

After that? I really don't know. I've not listened to the interview. Hell I don't even know where it would be found or if it is out there. But he absolutely went on air and denied that he recanted and called the WashPo story a fabrication. And I've yet to see a signed document showing he did. But like I said before, the fact that Breitbart hasn't touched it should give anyone pause. I'd think they would jump on it were they convinced it was true. Maybe it's too small of a potato for them to worry about? Or they heard something about this guy that makes them mistrust him?
