Quote Originally Posted by DeputyDog View Post
I think the thing that concerns me the most is the ability to control the message. I don’t what to hear about how “it’s always been controlled” and examples of how the media portrayed FDR and Kennedy for example, or delivered the news about WWII.

I’m talking about how the tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter, to name a few, control what information is dispersed. If you use Google as a search engine, they control what results you get and in what order the results are displayed in.

Twitter and Facebook have been putting labels on articles indicating they contain “false information” , etc.

Now they are completely shutting down speech they disagree with. Trump has had his accounts permanently shut down because he “incited violence”. I wonder how many other accounts have been or will be shut down.

Here is a screen shot of an article that shows that “Hang Pence” is trending on Twitter with over 50,000 tweets. That sounds like that it is inciting violence to me. I wonder how many of those accounts have been suspended or shut down?

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Come on, you know better than that. The Persecution Complex doesn’t look good on you.

The one and only reason that any of these platforms or users got shut down is that they were used to plan federal crimes including murder. These companies can be held liable if they knowingly allow that to continue.

Or maybe’Hang Mike Pence’ which is currently trending on Twitter is what you consider acceptable speech on a public platform.