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Thread: JMHO and final word on politics.....

  1. #31
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    This might explain how it was so easy to breach security at the Capitol.

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  2. #32
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    Words have meanings. These meanings matter.

    We need some adults in the room. That was not a coup, where weapons are sort of a must have item. Pence did not commit treason, he followed his interpretation of his constitutional duties.

    Disagreeing with someone does not make you a Nazi.... Those guys dressed up in like outfits, hid their faces, beat up political opponents, used coercion to silence those who opposed them, and blamed all the world's problems on one ethnic group. Where have I seen that lately?

    Friends, our problems run deep. If we can't start insisting on precision in our speech I fear we waste time.

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  3. #33
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) johnboy's Avatar
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    Yes, I deleted post.

  4. #34
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    Not pointed at you Johnboy, although I am disappointed to hear that you think Canada might be in worse shape than us. That's saying something right there.

    No, I wasn't referencing anyone on this site. These were just my responses to a few of the headlines I read on the day's events. I haven't seen this much pearl clutching in my life, lol. I don't know what is funnier, these dolts being surprised the FBI showed up at home after posting selfies while seated in Pelosi's chair or these supposed adult pundits suffering from a case of the vapours that the unwashed masses stormed the capital with a police escort for guides.

    This is a good example of why I insist (only half jokingly) that you should not be allowed to hold national level office unless you have been in at least one fist fight.... that you lost.


  5. #35
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    I’ve been wondering about the old FCC Fairness Doctrine that was abolished at the end of Reagan’s term by his FCC Commissioners. There was no FoxNews, none of the many media outlets that are echo chambers, and CNN was largely benign as far as compared to today’s programming.About the most ‘out there’ thing on CNN then was Larry King.
    We all pine for the good old days when we had unbiased news, well it wasn’t because of the goodness of the outlets it was because it was federal law.
    Viva Renaldo!

  6. #36
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    I think the thing that concerns me the most is the ability to control the message. I don’t what to hear about how “it’s always been controlled” and examples of how the media portrayed FDR and Kennedy for example, or delivered the news about WWII.

    I’m talking about how the tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter, to name a few, control what information is dispersed. If you use Google as a search engine, they control what results you get and in what order the results are displayed in.

    Twitter and Facebook have been putting labels on articles indicating they contain “false information” , etc.

    Now they are completely shutting down speech they disagree with. Trump has had his accounts permanently shut down because he “incited violence”. I wonder how many other accounts have been or will be shut down.

    Here is a screen shot of an article that shows that “Hang Pence” is trending on Twitter with over 50,000 tweets. That sounds like that it is inciting violence to me. I wonder how many of those accounts have been suspended or shut down?

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    "Never try to fight an Old Dude. If you win, there's no glory; if you lose, your reputation is shot."

  7. #37
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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    My tv stayed on CNN Headline News from the mid 80's to mid 90's....Chuck Roberts was the best.

    what happened?

  8. #38
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeputyDog View Post
    I think the thing that concerns me the most is the ability to control the message. I don’t what to hear about how “it’s always been controlled” and examples of how the media portrayed FDR and Kennedy for example, or delivered the news about WWII.

    I’m talking about how the tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter, to name a few, control what information is dispersed. If you use Google as a search engine, they control what results you get and in what order the results are displayed in.

    Twitter and Facebook have been putting labels on articles indicating they contain “false information” , etc.

    Now they are completely shutting down speech they disagree with. Trump has had his accounts permanently shut down because he “incited violence”. I wonder how many other accounts have been or will be shut down.

    Here is a screen shot of an article that shows that “Hang Pence” is trending on Twitter with over 50,000 tweets. That sounds like that it is inciting violence to me. I wonder how many of those accounts have been suspended or shut down?

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    Come on, you know better than that. The Persecution Complex doesn’t look good on you.

    The one and only reason that any of these platforms or users got shut down is that they were used to plan federal crimes including murder. These companies can be held liable if they knowingly allow that to continue.

    Or maybe’Hang Mike Pence’ which is currently trending on Twitter is what you consider acceptable speech on a public platform.

    Viva Renaldo!

  9. #39
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Airbud, what has "happened" to news, is 24-hr. news outlets. We used to have the local, national as well as world news AND the weather delivered to us in 15-minutes. I remember it being a big deal in the 60's when newscasts were expanded to 30-minutes! Once cable became a household item, CNN decided to go with a 24-hour news network and many thought they were crazy. BUT ... the network became super popular with their Gulf War coverage (everybody wanted to stay tuned to the non-stop coverage). That's when all the copycats decided CNN wasn't so crazy after all, so the deluge of 24-hour news networks hit cable during the 90's.

    IMHO, unless there's some major story going on (Gulf War, 9/11, etc), there really isn't THAT much news out there unless you go onto an endless 30-minute loop. That's when commentary became the order of the day. And that commentary would have to follow the political bent of the network bigwigs. Political commentary, following network expectations, means nothing more than political bias. If you want the news and weather, grab 30-minutes of local coverage. If you want biased, political commentary, tune into whatever cable "news" (and I use that term VERY loosely) network that leans toward the political persuasion of your choice. It ain't news ... it's nothing more than what may have started out as news, but it gets twisted into the correct format to toe the party line within the network.
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  10. #40
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarryBobPosthole View Post
    The one and only reason that any of these platforms or users got shut down is that they were used to plan federal crimes including murder. These companies can be held liable if they knowingly allow that to continue. BKB
    Where do you draw the line? If it's planned over the phone, is Verizon (et al.) responsible? If notes are written, is the paper company that manufactured the notepad responsible? Is AOL responsible if it was planned using eMail? Is the Post Office responsible if plans were sent through the US Mail? UPS? FedEx? You did use the term "knowingly". Should that be a free pass for all the above mentioned avenues to open one's mail? Listen to their phone conversations? Open all packages for no reason other than looking for possible criminal event planning? As I asked in my first sentence, where do you draw the line?
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  11. #41
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarryBobPosthole View Post
    Come on, you know better than that. The Persecution Complex doesn’t look good on you.

    The one and only reason that any of these platforms or users got shut down is that they were used to plan federal crimes including murder. These companies can be held liable if they knowingly allow that to continue.

    Or maybe’Hang Mike Pence’ which is currently trending on Twitter is what you consider acceptable speech on a public platform.

    So why is Apple going to remove Parler from the App Store? Is it because “they”, meaning the mega tech companies, can’t control the message on there?

    BTW, Pence was my Governor before he became VP and I really liked him. The “hang Pence” was my example. I doubt all 50K people that tweeted that have had their accounts deleted like Trump did?

    If you control the message, you control everything. Sounds like Soviet era Russia or Nazi Germany to me when ideas you don’t agree with are subject to censorship and restrictions.

    I used this as an extreme example several years ago when they stopped teaching cursive in schools but it kinda applies here. Say for example you have all future generations that can’t read or write cursive. No big deal right? Who really uses it for much more than a signature anyway. What is the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution written in? So if no one can read the original document or copies of it, how will they know what it says? Only through transcription by other people, right? Say the people controlling the release and publication of these transcripts want it to say something completely different. Who would know? Especially if these same people flag as untrue or censor anyone or anything that says something different than what they want people to know.

    This all sounds like something from Orwell or Huxley and outside of the realm of possibility but with the amount of information that is controlled by Facebook, Google, and Twitter it could be possible.

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  12. #42
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) johnboy's Avatar
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    We now live in different universes. We hear and decipher things in totally different ways. It is no longer possible to reasonably converse with each other as minds are set. No one will admit that they may be wrong. I'm right and you are (insert pejorative here). Dissent is treason. Fucking depressing.

  13. #43
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Deputy, maybe you should just read for yourself the reason google gave for banning the app from their store. Apple did the same. It sounded perfectly reasonable to me.
    Viva Renaldo!

  14. #44
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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    3,877 still works....Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Devin Nunes, Mark Levin, Phil Robertson, Kirstie alley have all posted in the past 10 minutes.
    Last edited by airbud7; 01-09-2021 at 06:25 PM.

  15. #45
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    There ya go. Free speech abides.

    Viva Renaldo!

  16. #46
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    JMHO and final word on politics.....

    Quote Originally Posted by BarryBobPosthole View Post
    Deputy, maybe you should just read for yourself the reason google gave for banning the app from their store. Apple did the same. It sounded perfectly reasonable to me.
    Ok. So who makes the determination has to what meets the criteria and will they be equally enforced? Did Kathy Griffin get banned for life after she posted a picture of her holding what looked like Trump’s severed head? No, she even reposted the image on election night and all Twitter did was flag it for “potentially sensitive content”. Don’t just take my word for it.

    That’s the problem. They have so much control over what information is presented that it’s becoming scary. They decided what’s acceptable and now when Parler got popular and started to compete against them they restricted the message the only way they could by making it so that people can’t download the app on their devices. Next, they will make it so that the apps they don’t agree with won’t be supported on their devices so no one can access them.

    That’s scary to me that a limited amount of people control what information can be accessed by the rest of us.

    So much for the liberals being tolerant.

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    Last edited by DeputyDog; 01-09-2021 at 07:49 PM.
    "Never try to fight an Old Dude. If you win, there's no glory; if you lose, your reputation is shot."

  17. #47
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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    if any Republican held up Obama's severed head they would be banned for life and ridiculed on every Network.

    she barely got her hand slapped.

  18. #48
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    There was a lot of outcry when she first did it when Trump was first elected, but nothing when she did it again on Election Day.

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  19. #49
    Administrator Arty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeputyDog View Post
    There was a lot of outcry when she first did it when Trump was first elected, but nothing when she did it again on Election Day.

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    That’s because she was fully funded the second time.

    The... uh... “them” (cant even say liberal, cause it’s more than that), wasn’t quite as woke as she was when she posted it the first time.

    A public figure posting a beheaded president.

    A president that did exactly what he said he’d do, which pissed off the secret supporters of said beheaded pic.

    And then...

    A president inciting riots.

    It changes things.

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  20. #50
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Did that comedian make you poor conservatives cry?

    My god. Talk about hypocrisy.

    Snowflakes bring up Kathy Griffin and equivocate her actions to planning an armed insurrection and then getting butt hurt about it.
    Viva Renaldo!

  21. #51
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Here’s what’s happening on Parler. Here’s the ‘free speech’ you are trying to protect that Amazon is trying to distance itself andcits employees from.
    These are direct from Parler.
    Viva Renaldo!

  22. #52
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    Sorry, but allowing, no encouraging, these tech/media companies to become monopolies changed the rules. When you fuck up and take choice out of the marketplace there can no longer be the presumption that they can make rules that far surpass anything we'd allow from a small business.

    These aren't innocent businessmen doing their best to adapt to a changing world. They are fringe partisans drunk on their own self importance. Take away their special legal shield and break them up. We already have centuries of jurisprudence that fleshed out what constitutionally protected speech consists of. Enforce that from both ends and quit trying to replace it with this ridiculous religious dogma in drag.


  23. #53
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Really? You’re more upset about the President being taken off of an app than you are about armed insurrection at the Capitol? You do realize the president has a press secretary, a whole gaggle of reporters, and news networks that will put him on tv any time he wants?
    Talk about clutching pearls.

    Viva Renaldo!

  24. #54
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Penguin View Post
    Sorry, but allowing, no encouraging, these tech/media companies to become monopolies changed the rules. When you fuck up and take choice out of the marketplace there can no longer be the presumption that they can make rules that far surpass anything we'd allow from a small business.

    These aren't innocent businessmen doing their best to adapt to a changing world. They are fringe partisans drunk on their own self importance. Take away their special legal shield and break them up. We already have centuries of jurisprudence that fleshed out what constitutionally protected speech consists of. Enforce that from both ends and quit trying to replace it with this ridiculous religious dogma in drag. Will
    Dang, you have a purty mouf!

    I agree wholeheartedly. Nicely said Willy.
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  25. #55
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarryBobPosthole View Post
    armed insurrection at the Capitol?
    Armed?.....I miss that part? post pictures please!

    I do know the police shot a unarmed woman.

  26. #56
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    The information is out there AB. Even on Fox. There were also armed protestors at many statehouses across the country.

    Molotov cocktails, pipe bombs, assault weapons all found in the DC riot.

    Viva Renaldo!

  27. #57
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarryBobPosthole View Post
    The information is out there AB. Even on Fox. There were also armed protestors at many statehouses across the country.

    Molotov cocktails, pipe bombs, assault weapons all found in the DC riot.

    Democrats (Biden voters) murder more people in America than Republicans....Fact!

  28. #58
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Viva Renaldo!

  29. #59
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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    glad we agree on ya Barry...

  30. #60
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarryBobPosthole View Post
    ...... assault weapons all found in the DC riot. BKB
    That's impossible ... assault weapons are illegal in D.C.

    From the D.C. regs: Assault weapons and .50 BMG rifles prohibited.

    That must be fake news.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

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