Well, this is "kind'a" related ... maybe not. I have no problem with raising the minimum wage in food service type industries, but what I believe should be totally revamped is the tipping policy. Pay a decent wage (raise prices to compensate if you have to) and scrap the stupid tipping policies we have in this country. It's gotten to the point, tipping is an obligation instead of a gratuity for good service, which IMHO, should not be a frigging option. We had a very large birthday party for a close friend last year (2019) and her birthday is New Year's Day. We had the party at a local restaurant on New Year's Eve. The service was the absolute shittiest service we've EVER received and after a few complaints, it only made matters worse. I envisioned the waitresses spitting in our food before serving it as "retribution". I guess maybe they were all pissed they had to work instead of partying with their friends. What made matters worse, this was NOT a cheap restaurant and the (pre-gratuity) tab was around $750-$800, if I remember correctly, for our relatively small group. To add insult to injury, they had a policy that anything over a party of 6, an 18% gratuity was automatically added to the bill. In MY eyes, a "gratuity" is VOLUNTARY and is given for exemplary service (did I say voluntarily?) Again, IMHO, restaurants should offer a competitive wage and the workers can decide whether they want to work for that wage, like any other business.

What really gripes my ass is when traveling, many years ago, "tipping" was more a Western tradition. The problem is, it has spread due to many tourists' ignorance of local customs. I've traveled all over the world for most of my life and tipping was mainly confined to the U.S. and Canada. Through the years I've seen it become almost customary throughout most of Europe, mostly in the touristy sectors, and is now "unofficially" expected in many countries. Many European restaurants are now adopting "our" tradition and automatically adding a gratuity to the tab. I've been going to Thailand for 50 years and tipping was never done, nor expected ... these days, most anyplace you go frequented by tourists, they'll hold out their hands after simply opening a door for you!

In China, S. Korea and especially Japan, (I've been to all three) tipping is actually considered rude. But, same as Thailand, once you hit the tourist hot-spots in these countries, it's becoming acceptable (except Japan for the most part). Once it becomes acceptable, like here, it soon becomes expected! Last I was there, it's not expected in Vietnam, but I did notice goofy tourists tipping anyway, so I'm sure the expectation will spread there also. Australia/New Zealand .... no tipping there but with the endless cruise ships rolling in and general tourism, it's becoming the norm in the tourist hot spots.

It's a stupid custom and it all started here. The problem is, it's spreading. You're now expected to tip your taxi driver, your pizza delivery guy, the doorman at your hotel, your barber/hair dresser, ad nauseam. Years ago, when I subscribed to our local newspaper, our paper delivery guy had a "tip envelope" rolled into our newspaper soliciting a tip at Christmas (and yes, I called to complain, then found out the newspaper actually supplied the envelopes!) Last year we went to a fancy-schmancy restaurant in L.A. for dinner. The parking was valet only (no choice) and the valet fee was $25. Of course, the valet (drivers) also expected tips! Where is it going to end? Tip your doctor? Your dentist?

Pay the going rate as a salary and dismantle our stupid tipping policies. It's frigging out of control IMHO.

Curmudgeon rant over. You can return to your regularly scheduled bullshitting.