Though not as old as the bands you gents are talking about, the missus and I along with 7 other couples just got back from a local event called Country Fest (they have a Facebook page). The musical acts started on Wednesday, but we got there with our campers on Monday night to secure our spots, spent the day together on July 4th, and then volunteered for two days parking campers in a poorly planted alfalfa field.

Though there were some newer acts like Lee Bryce, Kip Moore, etc. (don't ask me what they sing) we liked the older bands WAY better. My favorite was Sawyer Brown followed closely by Neal McCoy. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band could have done way better but were only so-so. For their age the Bellemy Brothers did alright.

So even though not as old as, nor the same genre, we liked the old toons also.