Yessir, Florida handled that b/s in January of this year. And yes, the Liberals screamed bloody murder!

State Board of Education Passes Rule to Permanently Prohibit DEI in the Florida College System

And at the same time. to add insult to injury, we also threw this in for good measure.

~ State Board also replaced “Principles of Sociology” with an American History course as an option on the list of social studies general education core courses ~

And this from our Governor TWO years ago:

The way Gov. Ron DeSantis tells it, Florida’s public universities are bloated bureaucracies run by liberal elites who discriminate against conservative and white students while professors indoctrinate the rest with the “woke” idea that racism, sexism and oppression are baked into U.S. history and institutions.

“We won’t allow Florida tax dollars to be spent teaching kids to hate our country or to hate each other,” DeSantis said when he introduced the Individual Freedom Act, also called the Stop Woke Act, which became law in 2022 and restricted campus programming on subjects like privilege, oppression and racism.