As most here know, there's not much I won't eat, but that doesn't mean I "like" everything. I'm with you on the kale and chard ... maybe texture is the problem as I feel like I'm eating sawgrass. I've had brains and also brains with eggs ... same deal, texture. Flavor was ok. Odd, I do NOT care much for Mexican food, but I should expound a bit. In Mexico, I LOVE the food. Here in the U.S. (like most ethnic restaurants) the food is not really authentic IMO. Example: WTF is TexMex? 'Nuf said. We do have a Mexican place here in town that we go to regularly. 99.99% of the times I've been there, I'm the only white boy in the place. I love their food, but if anyone ever suggests going out for "Mexican", I usually pass or request something else. It's no different with other ethnic foods, they tend to "Americanize" their shit ... I call in Frankensteined. I love it when I go to a sushi place here and see all sorts of sushi offerings with cream cheese ... or imitation krab ... or like the TexMex mentioned above ... a California roll! I could bitch forever on the subject. I avoid anyplace that says "Asian Fusion" on their signage. True Thai, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, etc, I'm all over it! Just don't try to con me with your yuppie crap thinking I won't know the difference.

What do I HATE and will I refuse to eat? I cannot stand bell peppers. The cooked yellow or red peppers mixed with other ingredients, I can handle if FORCED, but green, either cooked or raw ... I'd starve first. I can't even stand the smell of bell peppers. I once ordered a pizza that had no bell pepper on it, but it was cooked in the same oven with one covered in bell pepper. The damn smell and flavor crawled all over MY pizza and it became instant garbage can filler. A neighbor down the street can be cooking something with bell peppers and I'll TASTE them through the air.

I'm not real crazy about Brussels Sprouts, but can eat them if pressed.

Again, there's VERY little I won't eat, but some flavors and/or textures I'll avoid if possible. I will say, I will at least try most anything ... at least once. Picky eaters make me bonkers. I had a buddy in the military who constantly said, "I don't like that!". I'd ask him if he's ever tasted it and he'd say no. How does he know he doesn't like it unless it's a "visual" thing like goat's head or something?