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Thread: Subject: Shit I did NOT See Coming

  1. #1
    Administrator LJ3's Avatar
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    Subject: Shit I did NOT See Coming

    After 7 years of busting my ass for my company, I was just laid off with 4 weeks of severance. Right when I'm moving back in with Lucia and trying to put my family back together. Guess I have to get my resume shaped up TONIGHT!

    Calling any and all people with contacts in the IT industry!

    I'm in the "Holy shit how did this happen my mind is completely numb I have a family to provide for" stage.
    If we all threw our problems in a pile, and you saw everyone else's problems-- you'd take yours back.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Damn, son! Sorry to hear that, but I am sure you have marketable skills. Let me know if you think of a way I can help?

  3. #3
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    That sucks. Seems to be the rule these days rather than the exception. There is no loyalty in that direction it seems, even though loyalty from YOU is demanded and expected. Companies don't seem to value knowledge and experience for some reason. And I think it seemingly doesn't bite them in the ass. All people do is complain about their service, and then prompty continue to use them.

    Luckily, you're in a good location for your skillsets and experience. Hope you find something soon, buddy.


  4. #4
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Damn! That sucks big weenies son! Maybe this is a sign ... any way you can expand the photog business and make a living at it? This is similar to the situation I was in when I just said, "F-it" and bailed out of the car business to start working for myself. With all the instability in the car business at the time, it was the nudge that I needed to make the decision. I turned down big money and major stress for smaller money and major stress!

    BUT ... it didn't take long to realize it was the best thing I ever did. Try reading the handwriting on the wall ... IF you can swing it. It's not an easy decision.

    Good luck at whatever route you take.

  5. #5
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    And just IMO, four weeks for seven years service is a shafting. A week minimum for every year of service is standard and two weeks is common.


  6. #6
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Penguin's Avatar
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    Terrible news Len. I sincerely hope you get another job pronto. I, like so many on this forum, have went through the same thing. It is nerve wracking and you have all the sympathy in the world coming from my direction.


  7. #7
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Chicken Dinner's Avatar
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    Man, that some tough news. Given how the Loudoun mafia works, I'm pretty sure any contact in the industry I may have is someone you already know. But, let me know if I can help.
    "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." Raoul Duke

  8. #8
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Penguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thumper View Post
    Damn! That sucks big weenies son! Maybe this is a sign ...
    .... This is similar to the situation I was in when I just said, "F-it" and bailed out of the car business to start working for myself.
    I know how that feels Jim. When my contract at Penske was up and I was faced with not only having to jump teams but also with the realization that I was going to have to do the same thing again. It is a normal part of that business. It is a young man's game. It is also nerve wracking and something I just couldn't get used to.

    I said to hell with it and walked away. Never looked back. I'll probably never get away from the engine business. After a while it is all you know or are fit to know. But I'll be damned if I'll ever put up with the work environment that I endured for almost 7 years. It ain't worth it. Difference between then and now is night and day.

    I hope Len finds a situation where he can shine. They are out there but man you gotta be lucky to find them nowadays.


  9. #9
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Bwana's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear it bud but know you will come out better then ever on this.

    Here's a thought, how about you go into business with those ghost-buster guys where you take pictures of said ghosts while using your cats to let you know when Casper shows up?

    (Sorry that wasn't right but it was my attempt at making you smile)

  10. #10
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Man. I am SO SORRY. I know, can empathize!! Wow.

    As Posty said, you are in a good, fertile area..........and you're good. Just takes time. Don't take a ditch digging job. I have faith in you.
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  11. #11
    Administrator Captain's Avatar
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    Man sorry to hear this Len. But look at the bright side, you can fish hard for a few weeks.
    My attorney/fishing buddy will be at our spot at Point of Rocks Sunday if you are out that way. If you see a man and his wife wade fishing up there walk up to him and call him my name, I'm sure he will flip you the bird...
    I'm sure you will get the hook up on a job soon.
    Take Care, Captain
    A Government that pays people to do nothing destorys their willingness to do anything!

  12. #12
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    Just remember, everything happens for a reason. You may not see the reason for a while, but its there. Hang tough.

  13. #13
    Administrator LJ3's Avatar
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    Thanks guys... I'm still in shock but I will persevere and thrive. Hopefully I can land something very quickly or I'll be moving in with Jimmy.
    If we all threw our problems in a pile, and you saw everyone else's problems-- you'd take yours back.

  14. #14
    Administrator Arty's Avatar
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    Dude that's very sad news and also on a personal note scary cuz I have no idea what I'd do!!!

    You couldn't be in a better spot geographically to find a similar job without moving. Possibly Delaware but even that a long shot
    You'll make it and be happier in the end.
    Always works out that way for the good guys. And you are one of them no doubt about it

  15. #15
    Administrator Captain's Avatar
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    You could always shoot more episodes of the Len Jenkins fishing show.
    Perhaps you could pick up a few sponsors, and live like a king.
    Take Care, Captain
    A Government that pays people to do nothing destorys their willingness to do anything!

  16. #16
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    Len, I hope you don't mind me jumping on this bandwagon also. I also got my walking papers after 34 years with this silly outfit I work for. I will have to say, I will be walking away from this place with a much better severance package than you received, but it still sucks no matter how you cut it. We ride for the brand, and bleed for these companies, but in the long run all of that doesn't matters once the bean counters get into the mix.

    I'm with you, we will come out on the plus side once everything is said and done. I think, at least in my case, a career change is in the wind, I am through with the telephony industry.

    Good luck man, and keep you head up.


  17. #17
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Reminds me of a "Thump Story" regarding "company loyalty" (a one-way street as there is none FROM the company)!

    I worked at the Cadillac dealer in Hollywood, Ca. for about 5 years. In the early 80's when GM (Cadillac was hit VERY hard) was falling flat on it's face, a major corporate decision was made. In the "back end" of the store, there was a Service & Parts Director. Under him was a Service Manager (me) and a Parts Manager. As a "budgetary cut-back", the higher-ups decided to eliminate the Service Manager's position (me!). I was devastated (never been "fired" before) but once word got out, I had two different dealers call and offer me the Service Manager's position at their respective dealerships. I chose the one closest to my home (Ventura, Ca) and the pay was better than I was receiving in Hollywood! I was out of work less than a week.

    After about 6-8 months, the owner of the Hollywood dealership himself called me and wanted to have a meeting with me. He'd fired the Director and asked me to come back to work for him. I went back as Service Manager but they had not replaced the Director, so I basically wore both hats and reigned over the complete back-end. This went on for almost 2 years. Once things turned around and the dealership was making decent money again, they hired a new Director. I was glad, because it took some of the load off of me.

    Well, he turned out to be a total prick, but I'd worked for pricks before and dealt with it. He also established a policy that if the blinds were closed in his office, NOBODY under any circumstances was to disturb him for ANY reason. Two weeks after he started, I was dealing with a company emergency and he was the ONLY one with the authority to approve my decision to rectify it (I'd done all the work, just needed his final approval). His blinds were closed but it couldn't wait, so I knocked on his door but received no response. After a couple of knocks, I began to wonder if he was even IN his office, so I cracked the door open. He was slumped over his desk and had suffered a heart attack! I grabbed my demo (it was parked just outside his office), grabbed some help to get him in my car and rushed him to the Emergency Room (just 1 1/2 blocks away). I figured that was quicker than waiting for an ambulance. They rushed him into surgery, I contacted his wife and she arrived ... long story short, he survived and the docs said if he'd waited just minutes later, he wouldn't be with us any longer!

    Back in those days, recovery (time off work) lasted a minimum of 6 weeks ... he was out a couple of months. So, AGAIN ... I had to run the complete shop until his return. He finally returned to work on a limited basis ... would work maybe a 1/2 day, then go home to "rest". After a month or so of that, he returned to work full-time. Now remember, he'd only been there 2 weeks before his heart attack, so he didn't even get time to know everyone who worked for him. Within days of his return, he fired 13 frigging employees ... INCLUDING MYSELF!!! He then brought in 13 replacements from his previous workplace (including a new Service Manager who assumed my position)!

    The dealership had been there since the 40's ... but closed it's doors about 5 years after I left. I talked to a GM Factory Representative afterwards and he said the mismanagement had been so bad, there was no recovery possible. To this day I wish I'd respected that SOB's demand that no-one "bother" him if his blinds were closed.

    The moral of the story? It doesn't matter how much you contribute to a company these days ... there is no longer the company/employee loyalty our fathers/grandfathers enjoyed. This was the main impetus for my decision to work for myself and nobody else. A very scary and major life-changing event .. but it turned out FOR THE BETTER!

  18. #18
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) HideHunter's Avatar
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    As I've told my wife a number of times over the years, "We'll land on our feet - we always do." You will too. Pulling for you.
    If you turn a dog loose to hunt – you’d better to be ready to deal with what he trees.

  19. #19
    Administrator Niner's Avatar
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    Man, that sucks big time!!!
    A agree with week severance per year of service sucks.
    On the bright side, I think you can still draw 99 weeks of unemployment thanks to Obummer.
    I imagine you are shitting bricks, but I am shure you will find something soon. You have a very marketable skill set.
    My "disability" does not make me "disabled".

    Cancer Sucks!

  20. #20
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Not sure you get unemployment if they lay you off, do you?

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  21. #21
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Well, hell yeah you do. You're unemployed and not by your choice ain't ya? It depends on how your severance is paid. If its a lump ass sum, you can start immediately. If they pay it out over a severance period then you have to wait until the period is over.

    I can't wait to see Len with one of those gummint cell phones.


  22. #22
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Dang........... bad karma around here. First time today I've been glad to be old.
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