I've collected a few cans of oil from a couple of estate sales (I like to dig around in the garages). Nothing really old, but "older". In fact, only one of them is cardboard, the other three are all-metal. Anyway, it was just a coinky-dink they were all Quaker State (gathered from different sources), but I think the average I paid for them was $0.50/can. Heck, I figured the oil in them was worth more than that! Anyway, I decided to throw them up on e-Bay last week and a gentleman in Greenville, S.C. bought them last night for $32.00. Two are the same, I just threw 'em all in because the box had room for four! Surely youse dufes have some "older" cans lyin' around the barn or shop don't 'cha? It really doesn't matter if they're full or empty, they're pretty hot sellers.

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