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Thread: Phil Robertson needs to kick somebodies ass

  1. #1
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    Phil Robertson needs to kick somebodies ass

    I just got done watching duck dynasty only to have it followed by "modern dads" which is about 4 stay at home dads that mooch off of their wives full time. What a bunch of crap. Absolutely un-did the good vibes I get from duck dynasty. Assuming that the robertson's watch their own show, I bet they change the channel nearly as quick as I will be doing. Somebody agree with me on this, quick.

  2. #2
    Grand High Exalted Taser-Master
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    Uh, I don't watch Duck Dynasty, but I'll agree with you on general principles.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands)
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    I agree. Love Duck Dynasty and don't think anything good of men that stay home and don't bring in the income for their family.
    I won't watch that series.

  4. #4
    Administrator Captain's Avatar
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    I totally agree!

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  5. #5
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    For some reason I just haven't gotten hooked on Duck Dynasty. I've watched it a few times all the way through and I've watched bits and pieces many times. I have to admit, I like the show, it makes me laugh and it seems to be a good show overall. No explanation, I just can't get into being a regular viewer for some odd reason. I WAS watching last night though, when it ended and Modern Dads came on. That didn't interest me at all and I switched channels. BUT ... playing Devil's Advocate here ... what's the big deal?

    Man-o-man, the wimmins have been screaming for "equal rights" for years. Today, we have women in the military fulfilling combat roles (as of the first of this year). We have female police officers and firefighters. Doctors, attorneys, CEO's ... name it. What's wrong with a woman being the "bread winner" of a family? Is it simply a "macho" thing and us "Alpha Males" can't handle it?

    I used to have an employee who was married and his wife wanted to further her education. He worked full-time and she went back to school. Once she finished school, she landed a very good position with IBM (I believe it was). They had a couple kids who were in daycare and I'd schedule his work with flexible hours so he could pick them up in the afternoon when needed. The problem came in when one of the kids would get sick. Daycare would call and the kid would have to be picked up immediately. It was tough to have an employee in the middle of a job and then I'd have to explain to the customer we had to quit and return the next day to finish ... that is, IF the kid(s) were even well enough to go back to daycare. The problem is, that would throw ALL my scheduling out of whack. I'd usually have to abandon my office duties and fill in to cover the void myself.

    One day I asked him why HE was the one who always had to take off, instead of the wife? He informed me money was tight and she makes twice as much as he does, so he's the one who cares for the kids when they're sick. I really couldn't argue with his reasoning. When they had their third (or maybe 4th?) child, he informed me he'd be resigning and would become a full-time dad. It seems the cost of babysitters/daycare exceeded his income, so it was a no-brainer for them. They'd actually SAVE money by him staying home to raise the kids while mom "brought home the bacon". He and the kids were also covered under her company medical plan. (FWIW, I couldn't afford health coverage for my employees and only hired people who were covered under their spouses plan or had VA coverage.)

    They were good people, VERY religious and spent EVERY Sunday (and Wednesday night) at church. Their decision was based purely on economics and worked well for them. I have no clue what the situations are on Modern Dads, but surely we're not so chauvinistic that this type thing should be considered taboo. JMHO.

  6. #6
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Chicken Dinner's Avatar
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    I have no issue with it whatsoever. I've known a couple of stay at home dads. They are pretty good guys and I give them a lot of credit for being willing to swim upstream to do what made the most sense financially for their families.
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  7. #7
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    There's a difference in somebody who is a stay at home Dad who raises the family and takes care of all of the stuff at home and somebody who just has a rich old lady and mooches off her. One big difference is the guy who has a rich old lady is a shit ton more smarter than the other guy.


  8. #8
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) HideHunter's Avatar
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    I agree with Thump on a couple points. Duck Dynasty is a "cute" show - definitely a breath of fresh air from other "reality" shows. But honestly, I don't see what the furor is about. The one thing I especially like is when they are out there doing their staged frog hunts and raising their staged catfish nets and harassing their staged honeybees - you can tell - this ain't their first rodeo.. they been there before. I've never seen the other show - so I don't really know the premise - but I have no problem with stay-at-home-dads.... or leaching off a rich wife for that matter.
    If you turn a dog loose to hunt – you’d better to be ready to deal with what he trees.

  9. #9
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands)
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    If everyone would stop living above their means and only have a couple kids, we'd solve a lot of the problems kids are causing.
    Mothers should be home raising the kids.

    The majority of this countries problems, are kids living in single families, no mother at home, parents are drug or alcohols users and no ones taking care if the kids!

    These kids have no supervision and don't know right from wrong, don't even care.
    They are just trying to survive on their own.
    That's why we have the generation , we have now.

    I don't mind a "Good" dad, staying home if the wife "Wants" to work.
    I'm talking about the SOB's that are lazy ass bums mooching off a woman!
    Then the poor mom has no choice, but work, to feed her kids.
    If he's not a moocher and SHE wants to work, then its ok, but I'd rather see a mom at home.

    There HAS to be one parent home.
    To do that you can't have expensive vehicles, go out partying, and have lavish clothes.
    Kids are sacrificed for these things.

    People need to go back to living under one income.
    Last edited by Sunshine; 08-22-2013 at 11:44 AM.

  10. #10
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Not sure I agree with all of that Sunshine, but I sure agree with the sentiment!


  11. #11
    Administrator Niner's Avatar
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    Glad you clarified a little bit there, Sunny.

    I did not see the show, so I do not know what the setup for these Dads is..

    Thump, I was thinking almost the same kind of "what if" scenario about this subject this morning.....
    "What if"....a female doctor/lawyer/whatever fell in love with and married a "regular guy" (let's say he's an electrician, or a computer tech, or some other skilled labor position that just does not and never will make the kind of money that she does). I don't think it makes him a schlub if, down the road, it turns out it just makes more sense for him to stay at home and raise the kids.

    I know back when I got laid off from some years back, and was out of work for several months, my wife was almost sad to see me get another job. Why? Because I was getting so much "stuff" done around the house. Projects that had been on the wish list were getting done because there was time to get them done. I'd spend half the day searching/researching work, and the other half doing projects and chores.

    Now that I am "retired" on disability, there's still LIMITED things that I can do around the house. Laundry, run errands now that I can drive, fix broke stuff, cook.....etc.

    I cannot wait for another couple of years to pass and Di can quit work and be retarded too!!
    Then we can be together 24/7 and do and go wherever we want to.
    My "disability" does not make me "disabled".

    Cancer Sucks!

  12. #12
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    I will swim up stream here. If you are married to a sugar momma then work and pay for the babysetter. I actually work a second job that I dont need financially. I do it so that my son can see that it is ok to work hard and that you arent doing something special the minute that you work over 40 hours. Call me what you will.

  13. #13
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    I think that's just fine and that's more of the value issues I think we have, more so than we've strayed from our gender roles and its rotting our society. My wife is tougher, smarter, and the only thing I do better than her is I'm slower. So she can do pretty much whatever she damn well pleases in this marriage and its just peachy by me. And it so happens she choses to do a lot. And so do I because I do what I damn well please too. We've both worked and both played a big role in parenting our kids, and what works for us is I've taken care of my kids' needs and she's taken care of hers for the most part. And that works out great for us. But it probably not too traditional.


  14. #14
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) HideHunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LW View Post
    I will swim up stream here. If you are married to a sugar momma then work and pay for the babysetter. I actually work a second job that I dont need financially. I do it so that my son can see that it is ok to work hard and that you arent doing something special the minute that you work over 40 hours. Call me what you will.
    I'm sorry bub.. but that's just "screwed" (not my first choice of words) up. I never voluntarily worked one day of overtime in my life - not once. In 1994 I hunted and/or fished over 200 days... many, many "close" since.

    I'm not sure I can talk to you anymore. :thwak
    If you turn a dog loose to hunt – you’d better to be ready to deal with what he trees.

  15. #15
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    I was a work-a-holic for many years. Then I decided I had no life ... other than work. Like Hideyman ... I decided living life came first ... work came second. It was the best decision I ever made.

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