[QUOTE=Thumper;32482]Ha ha ha! You should work for one of those super market rags lined up along the check-out isle. The dude is typical Hollyweird ... afraid of getting old and has had a (terrible IMHO) facelift. Now he gets his adams apple shaved and that translates to "NUMEROUS SEX CHANGE OPERATIONS"?

The main thing he needs is a decent frigging haircut ... but then, so does Posthole ... but that doesn't make him a bad person. [/

Who said anything about him, being a bad person???....I simply asked if anyone knew what the f%&k was going on with him.

During his hay-day, he was sort of an idol for lots of young male athletes....heck, he was even on Wheaties boxes.

And, these pics came off the front page of AOL news website....a really easy-to-read online news service....try it sometime.