And whilst my boot is on your neck.............

Here's ANOTHER snippet on another site from a guy. He said this in response to another subject, but regardless.........if he said it here, or if you were there, you'd jump all over it. Yet.............denying it entirely seems gratuitous to me.

Not to change the subject but .... I see this everyday working for social security disability. It drive me absolutely insane and I get in trouble on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. You have young applying just because they don't want to work and we HAVE to work the case.. You also have non-english speaking people (ie not citizens, aliens, etc) applying that worked but got payed cash money under the table, but just because they don't speak English its 10x easier for them to get allowed than it is for a hard working person of the same age to be allowed - I've nearly lost my job on numerous occasions trying to fight this... The job drives me insane but I get through it by actually helping people that have earned/deserved it and by associating with like minded people (although we are in the extreme minority and almost overwhelmed by the liberal mindset people)