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Thread: I guess this Kingdom can thumb their nose at any law.......

  1. #1
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    I guess this Kingdom can thumb their nose at any law.......

    Every other day, I hear about another law they skirted, or ignored, or blatantly broke. They've changed the Obamacare Law rules so often it's a joke. They told the opposition to not bother reading it, and don't ask questions, they needed to implement it. Now they realize it should have been read and amended BEFORE passing. Duh.

    I'm about to delve head first into the tin foil hat business. This is getting insane.
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  2. #2
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Nothing what-so-ever new there. Similar things like that have been done forever regarding "sensitive" photos. Ya' think it wouldn't be a national security issue for some dirtbag company like the National Inquirer to splash those pics all over their front page and display them in every super market isle in the country? What good could possibly come of it?

  3. #3
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    I, the person that bought the bullets and the helicopter, could see the dirtbag that makes me take my shoes off to fly.

    Same 'closure' as folks get at a stupid funeral.

    Why not, is what I am asking? Why hide it??? For what? Just stupid. Besides, they violated the law to do this.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    This, from another website today:

    My family owns and operates a business in central arkansas. Been in business for 30+ years. Been a good business that supports factories and other business statewide. Our accident record is 0-1 recordable yearly. OHSA shows up at the door today with a random inspection. Says they are supposed to come by every 3 years. Still dont know how much the fines will be but EVERYTHING is a violation. If i did everything they wanted me to do I would spend 95% of my time filling out paperwork and making sure everything is baby safe. between the government surveys and all the regulations and just plain stupidity i am to the point to where I cannot hardly stand our system of government. Rant over

    Correction. Not system of government. I love democracy. But I cannot stand socialism

    all these guys are 'radicals', I'm sure, huh? So many radicals. Fringe guys. Not plain old business men. Not good tax paying folks that had their health insurance canceled or government regulations shutting down their 30 year old business. Not honest men. Just a bunch of whining radicals. If we only knew the 'other side' of the story, they'd all be idiots, huh? Isn't that right??
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  5. #5
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    So OSHA is socialism. I get it now.

    And I suppose you believe that I was born yesterday. And no, I don't believe much of anybody any more, no offense to your friend, but that story has more holes in it than your socks

  6. #6
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    I wear nice socks.

    My friend, Joe, on the other hand................

    Oh, and you ought to hear Joe talk about OSHA. Socialism is a nice word when discussing OSHA to him.

    I knew you would find fault with it. But there's not any. Sorry.

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  7. #7
    Member Gunther's Avatar
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    Silly Bucky, OSHA isn't socialism. OSHA is imperialism. So is the EPA. So is the present gov't.
    A man gets one great horse and one great dog in his life, a damn lucky man might get two.

  8. #8
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Y'all spout shit like a manure spreader.

    for is imperialism? I had to look this one up.

    "a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force."

    You mean like Iraq? New world order? that sort of thing? WTF does that have to do with OSHA?

    What does Joe do? What does 'everything is a violation' mean? What kind of violations?


  9. #9
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Being a business owner for 20 years, I can tell you for a fact, OSHA and/or the EPA can be a royal pain in the ass. The tough part is, they do a lot of good and we'd probably have a mess on our hands without them ... but like the "no tolerance" b/s in the schools where a 3rd grade kid gets expelled for having a vitamin in his lunchbox, OSHA and EPA can teeter on the verge of total stupidity also. I could easily turn this into a "Thump post" regarding all my business dealings with OSHA/EPA ... but I'll narrow it down to one.

    When I was managing the Cadillac dealership in Hollywood, Ca, we had a surprise visit from the OSHA inspectors. I have to admit, I ran a pretty tight ship but those fuckers were on a mission and I'll guar-an-damn-tee you, if they want to find something, they'll find something! They went through the place with a fine-toothed comb and most of what they dug up could be corrected in a matter of minutes. Heck, they even wrote me up for a mechanic who'd hung his jacket over the fire extinguisher in his stall!

    BUT, this one takes the cake and cost me endless, wasted, man-hours.

    We had an old black dude who'd started at the dealership as a young h/s drop-out. He'd been working there 50 frigging years (literally)! He started out as a kid on the wash rack and shortly after, started detailing cars. I'm telling you right now, I have NEVER in my life seen anyone put a shine on a car like Old Man Charlie! He could flat lay some wax on a car whether it was by hand or a "wheel". When he laid that buffer down, you'd better put on a pair of sunglasses!

    Anyway, Old Man Charlie NEVER left the dealership and ate his lunch right there in the detail shop every day (of his life as far as I know). Well, the OSHA crew had been doing their thing all morning and went upstairs to the detail rack while Old Man Charlie was eating his sammich and drinking sweet tea from his Thermos. The OSHA dude sat down next to him on his old wooden bench, pointed to a gallon jug of liquid car polish ... and asked Old Man Charlie what he'd do if he accidentally drank that polish instead of his iced tea. Of course Old Man Charlie looked at him like he was nuts and said something like, "Now why would I want to do something stupid like that?" The OSHA dude pushed him for an answer and finally Old Man Charlie told him he'd prolly just throw up ... or maybe die ... who knows?

    That was all it took. Next thing I knew, I had to schedule and perform "safety training" with every swinging dick who had access to the detail department (which included EVERYONE in the dealership, sales, service and parts)! I had to spend hours digging through tons of MSDS's on every chemical in the detail department as well as hold countless safety meetings on the "perils of drinking liquid car polish"! All this had to be done within a certain time frame to be ready for their "re-inspection" where they promised they'd question various employees on their training!

    Now, this was a huge company. I couldn't begin to tell you how much wasted production time was thrown away with all that ridiculous bullshit. All I could figure is these morons needed some sort of justification to keep their jobs by showing the brass all the violations they find in the field.

  10. #10
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    My bet is that with Bucky's buddy Joe is that somewhere along the line some employee has filed a complaint. That's what usually gets them.

    I'm not a lover of regulations either, but like you said there is a time and place for them.

    I guess Obama has told OSHA to go destroy businesses in his evil master plan to spread imperialism and socialism across America!


  11. #11
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Nope. First, he had a floating trout dock at the confluence of the Sylamore and White River. Huge flood came, with ice, and he stayed on it 48 straight hours literally holding the cables to keep it from going downstream. He finally lost the battle. He goes to build it back and both OSHA and EPA jump in and tell him he can't start till he does this and that and the other, mostly busy work stuff, useless. He says he'll lose money if he does it that way, and proceeds. They go ballistic and get all Imperialistic on him, NOT the definition you found, either. Nazi stuff. Threatened him physically. He loses over $100,000 on the deal after insurance, and tied him up from rebuilding for 11 months, no reason. They actually smirked when he got upset at them. The story is 10X longer than that.

    You know, I had a similar conversation last night with a guy, in person. Like that one, you can't seem to put it in your limited but genius brain that anything could possibly happen that conflicts with your view of the world. To you, it MUST be some other way, or there MUST be some other stuff 'we don't understand'. Your logic seems to be "That can't be reality, because if it is, then I'd have to change my view of all that", and somehow to you, that's a valid argument.

    The story I posted is from a guy I don't know personally, in that I've never met him. But he's sort of like Ed. Or Sunny. Or Arty. Or (dang, I'm running out of examples, cause I've met most everyone here). He's a guy that I "know" on a chat site but haven't actually met. Yet, I trust what he says. I get, you don't, cause you can't.............else you'd be 'wrong' and that's not allowed. I get it.

    Is "everything is a violation" a hyperbole to some extent?? Geez, of course it is. But that's how folks talk. It's sort of like you saying "Saban is full of horse poot" when you don't agree with one thing he said, one subject. You use hyperbole to make a point. This guy did the same thing, yet you pick him apart.

    The IRS, the OSHA, the EPA, do very much indeed use Gestapo like tactics more often than not. It's a gall to a free society, to entrepreneurs, that there are so many restrictive rules to keep them from being profitable. Do they want ALL rules eliminated?? No, even they don't. But if they find one that's nuts, folks complain because they think it's being said that they want out of ALL rules.

    Stuff like this happens. Just cause it doesn't happen in a VP office in Tulsa doesn't mean it's not real.
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  12. #12
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    And whilst my boot is on your neck.............

    Here's ANOTHER snippet on another site from a guy. He said this in response to another subject, but regardless.........if he said it here, or if you were there, you'd jump all over it. Yet.............denying it entirely seems gratuitous to me.

    Not to change the subject but .... I see this everyday working for social security disability. It drive me absolutely insane and I get in trouble on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. You have young applying just because they don't want to work and we HAVE to work the case.. You also have non-english speaking people (ie not citizens, aliens, etc) applying that worked but got payed cash money under the table, but just because they don't speak English its 10x easier for them to get allowed than it is for a hard working person of the same age to be allowed - I've nearly lost my job on numerous occasions trying to fight this... The job drives me insane but I get through it by actually helping people that have earned/deserved it and by associating with like minded people (although we are in the extreme minority and almost overwhelmed by the liberal mindset people)
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  13. #13
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Well I'll leave you to your 'like minded people then. that way you can say what you want without being challenged to provide any relevant facts.


  14. #14
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    First hand information from two sources, is NOT facts to you.

    See what I mean? First hand testimony is perfectly valid in a court of law. But not to you.
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  15. #15
    Member Gunther's Avatar
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    Last time I looked at the Constitution it kinda had a process for passing laws (regulations). EPA, OSHA, Obama don't abide by the process.
    A man gets one great horse and one great dog in his life, a damn lucky man might get two.

  16. #16
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    You just keep on bitching about the imperialistic OSHA and EPA. I don't know much about OSHA since in my 45 years or so of working for a living I've never ran into them even once. But I do keep up with what's happening to our water resources since some day there ain't gonna be none to speak of at the rate we are shitting in our nest. Your buddy makes his living on one of the premier trout fisheries in the US. And its going downhill at a rate that astonishes old veterans of the river. Runoff from houses and from businesses like your buddy's have increases levels of phosphorus and nitrogen not counting the chicken shit that is on the system from the watershed in Arkansas and Missouri. Growth rates of rainbows are WAY down from what they were just ten years ago because of it. rock snot, or diddymo, isn't caused by people with felt soled waders like the snooty trout fishermen will tell you but from pollution and its choking the rivers. Pollutants from two cycle engines are one of the worst form of pollution. Spend some time talking to people who really care about the river and you'll see why there's so much energy being put into protecting it. Of course, its a resource that God gave you dominion over and I know you view it that way, so continue to suck it dry until every last dime you can squeeze out of it is gotten. That's why its a nightmare to do development there. And it oughta be. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if they didn't allow any of them to rebuild.


  17. #17
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    He doesn't own it anymore. He went bankrupt and sold out.

    Glad you have such a big heart towards fish and not friends........ and no one I know, including me, wants to destroy any river. He just simply wanted to replace an existing dock. Nothing more. He didn't dump a single drop of anything in that river. I can't speak for the new owner.

    I love ya, bro.......but that's an elitist, ego driven reply if I ever read one.

    OH, none of this was about water resources. It was about government gestapo tactics, ignoring existing laws to be 'imperialistic', and being elitist. I guess you love 'em.

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