Yeah, I'm not into that "scene" myself. I kind'a wish I were. I was exposed, and had personal interaction with so many "big names" while in the Cadillac business, I could probably retire comfortably on just autograph sales. But ... I never got one ... even threw away about a bazillion Elvis autographs when I purged the service files in Memphis years ago. (THAT is a move I kind of regret to this day). I've rubbed elbows with tons of 'em ... just always thought it was goofy to ask for an autograph and never ONCE asked.

Heck, I even had a book written by one of Marilyn Monroe's ex-husbands (can't remember his name) and he even mentioned my name in the book (he misspelled it ... Cribbs I think). He gave me a signed copy as a gift (even included a short message). I have no clue whatever happened to it. I think it was lost (or discarded) during the move from L.A. to Florida.