Oh, I've never argued that point Baseball, but I think there's a big difference between "patriots" and "instigators". I think to believe all these "white" kids all of a sudden became extremely patriotic on May 5th is a bit of a coincidence that's hard to swallow. It's pure "in your face instigation" IMHO. Pick a day ... how 'bout MARCH 5th ... how many American flag shirts do you think there will be in that school on that particular day? It's b/s to think this is anything more than intimidation.

The USA is made up of immigrants who came here looking for a better life. Part of the trade-off for that better life is adopting the American ways.
Agreed. But if you want to play that game, "WE" are immigrants here also. Did "we" adopt the "Indian ways"? How many times have you celebrated The Iroquois Midwinter Ceremony? Or the Athabascan Stickdance? Or the Navajo Mountain Chant? Or the Yaqui Easter Festival? Or the Ute Bear Dance? Or the Green Corn Ceremony? Or the Hopi Niman Katchina? Etc. Etc.

The list is endless.

Having lived in Southern California for many years I can tell you the Mexican immigrants there celebrate July 4th. And to be honest, we always looked forward to the Cinco de Mayo celebrations while there. Wouldn't it be refreshing for these h/s kids to learn about the history of the celebration and maybe enjoy participating instead of trying to stir up trouble on what is a special day for many of their classmates? Instead of making the day a positive experience, they're hell-bent on turning it into a negative experience.