You guys, especially Jim, know SO much more than I do on this.

My take is strictly as a consumer. I get it that these things are computers on wheels. I have always hated extended warranties, but I got one on my new truck solely because I discovered that 80% of all maintenance/shop issues are electronic!! This thing tells me so much info, I am almost lost! So I figured I'd better warranty those for 10 years. I get it.

But the other side, in my goofy way of thinking, is........"Geez, they have this down pat. Yeah, there are a LOT of systems involved, more than ever. But....the implementation of these fancy designs, the installation, the actual implementation of them, should be just routine. It should be same, same, same, same, without the the slightest change from one to the other". YET, one vehicle does great at X, and the next one off the line breaks down. The next two work fine, the next one has yet another issue downstream. If you don't believe me, go on the with me, and listen to these guys. 90% claim these are the best made things ever........and 10% have crazy recurring issues with X or Y or Z, or rarely X AND Y.....and hate 'em. It's same on every forum, including the camping trailer forum.

So why is that??? Why can't they make every one of them the same? I have same question on gun manufacturers. Savage made smokeless muzzleloaders. I have one. The barrels are stamped, machined.......yet one of them is "tight" to load and the next 9 are easy. It's same issue.

What is the deal?? I don't know if there IS an answer........but this is bugging me.