Quote Originally Posted by LJ3 View Post
Now before everyone goes piling on Bucky... Who has fished with a Mitchell n the last 15 years?
WTF??? Now we got to justify what and how we have formed our opinions? I've had probably 6 different Mitchell reels over the last 35 years. And they have all been fair reels but not near Shimano quality. Most are tossed aside within a year or so for broken bail springs, shaking (unbalanced) and the like.

Len why the hell didn't you ask Bucky how many Shimano reels he's fished with in the past 15 years to form HIS opinion.
He can make an opinion statement like:
"smoother than anything Shimano makes"
Without any justifier and skate by.
I can give my opinion on the same subject and get called out to qualify my statement and accused of piling on?