Quote Originally Posted by Big Skyz View Post
It's kind of a silly debate anyway from my end, as I'm really not a huge fan of any freshwater fish. I'll take dolphin fish or red snapper over any freshwater fish any day...and I'd rather have crab or lobster over any fish ever created. Heck half the time a good bacon cheeseburger is what I want more than anything. I could go the rest of my life without eating fish and get along just fine, but to never eat another bacon cheeseburger...oh, I don't even want to think about that.

Ditto what you just said B/S. The first time I went bear hunting waaaay up in Northern Ontario, we were at the far end of a lake that was 27 miles long. We had to take 10 days of supplies into camp in a 14' aluminum boat with a 15hp outboard. It was a looooong trip to run back and forth to the fish camp for any supplies. I'm NOT a big fish eater, but have tried most everything at one time or another. When I got to camp and asked WTF we were gonna eat for the next 10 days, I was told, "Walleye". (at THAT time, I'd never even heard of a walleye, much less eaten one) I 'bout gagged and wondered how many days I could make it without eating before I dropped dead. I knew we had powdered milk and Bisquick, so I had plans of living off pancakes. After ONE day, when my buddy would ask what I wanted for breakfast, I'd say, "WALLEYE". The same went for lunch and supper. I couldn't get enough of it! I've had crappie/bream/pearch/bluegill/sunfish/panfish ... whatever you want to call 'em, I've had 'em. Give me walleye ANY day ... IF I have to choose fish that is.