Okay Jim, let's make that our official policy. If you never paid into it, then you can't take anything out of it. And to take that a step further, let's only allow people to take out what they've actually paid in and not a penny more. That should be the rule for Medicare and Social Security. how long you think it'd take to spend what you paid in for those 20 years? At the max contribution rate that's what, $120k? How long you think that'd last in a retirement plan that pays out $20k a year or so?

My whole point here is that social security isn't a pay as you go deal and never has been. whether you agree with that or not, I could care less. again, it was intended to provide care for elderly people who had no means of support. Remember, pensions and 401 k's didn't exist in those days for the most part. Now people think 'because they paid in' like you do, that they deserve every penny they paid in back. Now its a part of EVERY American's retirement plan whether they need it or not. Tell me we're not an entitlement society. and tell me that conservatives don't have entitlement values every much as the liberals do. I'll tell you you're full of shit.

Maybe we do need to re-engineer social security to be the safety net it was originally intended to be. It would cost less and people could use that money for their own personal retirement plans. The downside to that? There's still people who wouldn't pay a DIME into their own private retirement plan because the big government teat would finance their retirement in their golden years. I mean hell, they paid in for many years right? Who cares if what they paid in most times is way less than what they'll pull out. They're ENTITLED!