Well there actually have been several opportunities to pass bipartisan bills that were good ones. there was a tax reform bill that was sponsored by two senators a few years ago that was killed because of partisanism. The Farm Bill was actually a pretty good compromise bill. what were the two senators that created the bipartisan commission and it finally died in Congrress. That was a really good bill that should have been passed. There's too much unwillingness to compromise. Just google bipartisan bills and scan through them. This gridlock is ridiculous. I don't think it ideology as much as it is lobbying but that's just my opinion. I think they're afraid to piss off the deep pockets that got them elected. It takes so much these days to win an election they depend on the rich fuckers to get elected and then they're owned.
Not all bills that claim to be bipartisan actually are, but there are some and this congress could have gotten quite a bit accomplished if they'd have only been willing to do the right thing.

Its not overwhelming but it would have been progress.