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Thread: When will the folks in charge learn?

  1. #31
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Big Skyz's Avatar
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    Nope we won't be hiring security. No money to pay for it. However the government did decide to leave us helpless in the event of a deadly attack. Second, you seriously think I'm going to have to worry about fully armed parents showing up for parent teacher night. That crap falls apart real quick. Prior to Clinton's administration schools were not gun free zones. Never once, not once, did I ever have a parent show up with a firearm for any meeting. However I did have parents show up to show me the big buck in the back of their truck. They had rifles in the vehicle and the only reason they ever came out was to show what super cool new rifle or pistol they bought. My issue with gun free zones is that it's designed without exceptions and frankly it sucks and puts me and everyone in this school in far greater danger than before the law was passed. Perhaps your view would be different if you worked in a building where the police were 20 miles away and your building policy said you could not bring any kind of weapon to defend yourself, not even a 2" pen knife. Ya, welcome to my world.

  2. #32
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Well I guess since my point of view is so damned obtuse that nobody can understand it let me just summarize:

    The world can be a dangerous place and it is within our rights as people to take the steps we think are necessary to protect ourselves from that danger. One of those steps might be to ban all weapons from a designated place. If a town or a state or a federal government decides through its due process that making some place weapon free is the best course to take to provide protection of the public, then that is the law and that supercedes the person's individual liberty to decide for themselves. Try convincing American Airlines and Homeland Security that you have a right to protect yourself on your next flight for example. I also believe that the providers of public places, like schools, churches, and so forth have the right to have a say in how their security should work. that's why we have state laws.

    Troy, I grew up in a rural school where it was common to have a shotgun or a rifle in the rifle rack of my pickup while it was parked at the school. Many early morning classes were missed because of hunting trips and guns were definitely in my and my friend's vehicles on those occasions. So were dead animals, likely. That doesn't make it right for today's environment. Where I have trouble making a connection is the thought that gun culture, like I grew up in, results in less crimes committed with guns than a total gun ban. Neither of those extremes makes a damn bit of difference and I've yet to see statistics to prove it although they are spoke about often.

    So yeah, I believe in the right to protect oneself. I also think that the 'how' to protect oneself is what is at issue here. And its not a sin, by the way, to take either side. Its just a way of solving a problem is all it friggin is. Its not world peace, its not communism vs capitalism, its not the Cold War and our future is not at stake. Its one of many problems we raise to that level and because of it we can't even start to reach some kind of agreement. so CALM DOWN FRANCIS.


  3. #33
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Tell all that to John Lott.

    I simply do not, cannot, after CAREFUL consideration, accept a single tenet of your position on this.
    WARNING - Due to the rising costs of ammunition, warning shots will no longer be given.

  4. #34
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    I'm calm... Really and want to see your side or points...
    But again you will not ANSWER my question.
    I'll ask it again

    You say the Government has the rights to create Gun Free Zones.
    You also say that there are bad people that will not abide by that law and will take a gun into a Gun Free Zone with the intent to shoot people...
    Then my question is:
    Please answer that.
    A Government that pays people to do nothing destorys their willingness to do anything!

  5. #35
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    And the Patriot Act and the NSA Data Collection are very good examples of laws that I'm SURE you'll be 100% in favor of, since they meet every bit of your criteria above, to make us safe. I know you love those laws.

    The world can be a dangerous place and it is within our rights as people to take the steps we think are necessary to protect ourselves from that danger. One of those steps might be to ban all weapons from a designated place.

    Not possible. No matter how much you wish it so.

    But if it IS possible, and if it IS valid, then another valid step might be for me to ignore that ban if it doesn't work. Right?
    WARNING - Due to the rising costs of ammunition, warning shots will no longer be given.

  6. #36
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    I'll try to answer that. We aren't as far apart on that part of it as you think.

    Calling some place a gun free zone, and putting up a sign saying so is about the stupidest goddamned thing I've ever heard of as far as providing security goes. It might make sense in a church, where security is seldom an issue. But at a school or public building, if it's gonna be a gun free zone then you have to do things like provide armed security where its needed, provide a way to enforce the damn ban like simply having an armed security guard at the door. I don't want to hear the money excuse. There's money for that. Companies do it, almost all big companies protect their property that way. Sure, someone can force their way in and do, but its the public places with no physical security in place where we're vulnerable. If its a sign only, then its Dodge City. If we say we have to do this to provide security, then we need to do it the right way.


  7. #37
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    I guess I just cringe when I hear someone think that the Government is somehow the answer to every problem. All the Security in the world won't make me safe.

    I'm done with this one, I did the best I could.
    WARNING - Due to the rising costs of ammunition, warning shots will no longer be given.

  8. #38
    Grand High Exalted Taser-Master
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    I'm all for guns, just not in schools or church. If a schools wants to hire armed security that's dandy but I don't want every trigger happy paranoid Tom Dick and Mary running around waving a Glock 40. Alcohol and drug related deaths in school children far outnumber shooting related deaths, Why aren't all outraged citizens marching in the street about that?

    There is no answer that is going to be satisfactory to everyone. You can protect yourself and your family to some extent when they're in your presence but when they're not............

    I don't want to go thru life looking over my shoulder. I try to take reasonable precautions and trust in the Lord to take care of the rest.

    I totally understand what you're saying Posthole
    Last edited by quercus alba; 11-20-2014 at 01:54 PM.
    "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones"
    Albert Einstein

  9. #39
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Welcome to the Island of the Damned, QA.


  10. #40
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Big Skyz's Avatar
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    You said: " One of those steps might be to ban all weapons from a designated place. If a town or a state or a federal government decides through its due process that making some place weapon free is the best course to take to provide protection of the public, then that is the law and that supercedes the person's individual liberty to decide for themselves."

    Are you listening to yourself when you write this stuff down? The only people that will abide by your flawed philosophy are those that never intended to break the law in the first place. So by your way of thinking some potential criminal is suddenly going to gain a conscience when he/she enters a weapon's free zone? Lunatic's, sociopaths, psychopaths, drunks, drug addicts/dealers, and gangs are all going to target areas other than schools and churches because, of course, our government declared it a weapons free zone. Honestly BBP if I were a member of ISIS I would be trying to recruit you as a motivational speaker.

    Fareed Shabeeb: "Hey everyone come listen to this guy he wants to makes sure we have large groups of American's, enclosed in buildings, with absolutely no way to defend themselves. No armed security, no armed personnel, no weapons at all. I know right, he's serious. Yup he will explain how we can have anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes, or more to shoot, behead, and molest people with zero worry of anyone trying shoot us. No really, him and those that think just like him have convinced their government that this is a good idea. They even got it passed into law. No, I'm not kidding, the only thing we have to worry about is getting out of there before the police show up."

    Another conversation from the local gangsta's: "Yo peeps, don't be hate'n and kill'n on de schoo's and churchiz. Dey are pop'a cap free zones."

  11. #41
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Yep, we ALL know that's who commits these shooting crimes in public schools and churches. Its the pimps and hos and Muslims who are busting into these places and killing people. Isn't it?

    Troy.......I'm not saying it'll prevent these shootings. I never did. But neither will allowing the public to carry firearms into them.


  12. #42
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Big Skyz's Avatar
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    QA: "If a schools wants to hire armed security that's dandy".

    That would be a great idea except it won't ever happen. The tax payers would have to pay those wages. So by your way of thinking we hire full time security for every school in the nation. Some school's will be okay with one security guard others will require an entire staff. Now keep in mind this is to make sure our schools are safe in the extremely low percentage chance the school will be attacked. Yup lets sink millions and millions of dollars into a hiring more donut eating, work room lounge lizards, that 95% of the time have nothing to do. Nothing to do but collect a pay check that is. Yes, that's a great idea. How long do you think society/tax payers are going to want to keep dumping money into that idea before they pull the plug?

    Here is a novel idea: How about we offer a stringent training program, through law enforcement, for a select number of staff that already work for the school system. No additional pay, no additional staff, just utilize what you have and increase their knowledge and training. I know, I know, makes way too much sense doesn't it.

    As for the drugs and alcohol those issues are addressed in every school in the nation on nearly a daily basis. There are programs, counselors, support systems, training sessions for all of that. The fact of the matter is the drug and alcohol use during school hours is relatively low. Not saying it doesn't exist, it does, but it's minimal during school time. Now what happens outside of school is largely out of control, and that is where society has to step in and up.

  13. #43
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Big Skyz's Avatar
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    BBP I see you selectively left out the "lunatic's, sociopaths, psychopaths" mentioned in the same sentence. Slick move to twist my words into your thoughts. However with your view point on this issue that does not surprise me.

    Yes we made schools and churches weapons free zones. So riddle me this batman (BBP), did it help reduce the number of shootings at either place by comparison to what it was before we made them weapons free zones? Have the shootings become more horrific, more frequent, and with higher numbers of casualties before or after the law was passed?

  14. #44
    Grand High Exalted Taser-Master
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    BS, I have absolutely no problem with that idea. Probably be much more effective. Course there wouldn't be a money crunch if politicians used a little restraint with our tax dollars. As far as the drugs and alcohol, I should have clarified that. I was referring to our judicial system not the schools.
    "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones"
    Albert Einstein

  15. #45
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Big Skyz's Avatar
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    BBP since the obvious doesn't seem to click in your head on this subject. I will throw some facts at you, but we all know that both you and Buckrub don't let facts get in the way of your opinion on some things, but I'm going to try anyway. I took a minute and did some quick counting. I will admit I might be off on my numbers by 1 or 2 but that's about it. I was counting quickly but these numbers are very close.

    Here are the number of times recorded by law that a firearm was discharge on a school campus. I've decided to start in 1970 since many of us have been around that long and were in school back then.

    1970-1980: 26 (Remember this is when anyone could bring a gun to school.)
    1990-2010: 96 (This was the era when the weapons ban came into place.)
    2011-2014: 95 (This includes today's shooting.)

    95 shooting school shootings in just the past 3 years!
    What part of your way IS NOT WORKING do you not get???!!!
    Last edited by Big Skyz; 11-20-2014 at 02:44 PM.

  16. #46
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    The part where you blame the problem on the lack of guns in the area is the part I don't get nor agree with. The solution to the problem lies elsewhere. It'd be nice and easy if to solve it all we had to do is allow guns everywhere. I think that's not going to solve anything to do with this. You do. That's where we differ.


  17. #47
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    I don't think it would solve the problem I KNOW a it would. 100% guaranteed. The NOT knowing where if there are "good" guns present IS the deterrent
    A Government that pays people to do nothing destorys their willingness to do anything!

  18. #48
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    I thought I was on BS' side, but hey!

    I got Mother's car, at lunch, and this stewed on me all the time. Posty is like a brother to me, I'd drop everything and head there right now if he said he needed me.

    But this attitude upsets me. While we discuss what SHOULD be, what "is" is letting perps walk into schools, some of them with my grandkids, and fire away. Pollyanna, Happy-Thought b/s aside, every school is A) NOT going to get security guards, and B) if they do, it'll be a while, and meanwhile innocent kids are at risk because of some irrational fear that one gun in the wrong hands somehow obviates a million of 'em in the right hands.

    I am done with this. I am done with "The Government is our ONLY solution" and the pie-eyed b/s attitude that it takes to arrive at such a crazy solution!! After 238 years, you'd think folks would figure out the Government is not our Savior.

    This sickens me. It truly, honestly does. Not because of this discussion..........but because 1/2 of this country believes this way, sincerely, and without any reason to.

    WARNING - Due to the rising costs of ammunition, warning shots will no longer be given.

  19. #49
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Big Skyz's Avatar
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    Let me make this simple for you. The only LACK of guns are NOT in the hands of those that plan to obey the law. The bad guys have as many or more guns than ever. I swear the only thing worse than bringing a knife to a gun fight is bring a liberal-left-winged-democrat and their ideology.

    Hypothetical situation: You come by and visit me in the classroom and let's say your daughter is one of my students. Pscho-Sam shows up at school with his guns intent on killing as many people as possible. We hear him coming down the hall towards my classroom killing people all along the way. I secure my room as best as I can, lock the door and put the students where they are out of the direct line of sight with the window in the door. The shooter now turns and heads right for my door. He shoots his way through the door and enters the room. Kids are screaming, your ears are ringing from the shots being fired inside such close quarters. At this point you are absolutely terrified for yourself, your daughter, and everyone else in the room. You realize that you have absolutely no recourse or way to defend yourself. Your chances of not being injured or killed are exactly 0%. You can thank yourself and your government for how this is going to turn out. Now take this same scenario and let me have a firearm available only to me in my room. Is there any guarantee I would kill him before he kills me or anyone else? No there isn't, but honestly answer me this: Are my chances still zero?

  20. #50
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Sorry, not buying it. And you can get as insulting as you wish. It ain't gonna give you any more logic.


  21. #51
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    What logic do you have? Where is any logic on your side?

    How do you answer Troy's hypothetical? What is your answer to THAT specifically?

    Saying Global, Big Word solutions isn't cutting it. Get real, man. Your Ivory Tower is crumbling. What is the real answer to real situations???
    WARNING - Due to the rising costs of ammunition, warning shots will no longer be given.

  22. #52
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Bwana's Avatar
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    Don't mean to throw water on the fire gents but it is pretty obvious that much like religion this is a topic that folks are pretty much stuck on their views and no amount of discussion is going to make one side "see the light." Time to move on.

  23. #53
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Well dang! I've been "working" all day (estate sales) and missed all the fun. I see Postie even kinda called me out in an early post but I wasn't here to respond. I honestly can't add anything that hasn't already been said.

    To play the middle of the road just a bit ... I can understand a "little" bit of what P-hole is saying. To be clear, I'm not so sure I'd want STUDENTS carrying guns in the schools ... they still (GENERALLY speaking) lack the responsibility and discipline needed for an armed confrontation with a potential "assassin". I'd be all for the staff to be armed though (IF they want to be) and a prerequisite of a gun training course wouldn't be a bad idea. Hiring a guard or guards is not financially feasible ... heck, give that money to the teachers! Where do you draw the line? Hire a bazillion guards and put one on every school bus also? Nope, arm the driver if need be. (BTW ... we had a school bus shooting here yesterday ... by a 15 year old!)

    The part I agree with P-hole on, is that times have changed. When I was in school, we too had guns sitting in the gun racks in the cab of half the pick-ups in the school parking lot. Times have changed here too. TODAY ... would anyone in his right mind leave a nice deer rifle in plain sight in their car sitting in a parking lot all day? I seriously doubt it would still be there at final bell (do schools still use bells?). The house I grew up in never had the front OR back door locked. Even if we did lock a door, a simple "skeleton key" is all it took to open it. Even my first house in California ... Los friggin' Angeles never had the door locked ... I bought the house, the owner said they'd have to have a key made for me because they lost theirs years prior and simply never locked their doors. I told them not to worry about it as I would be changing the locks anyway. I never got around to it! I lived there 10 years and never had a house key ... in fact, I changed the locks when I sold the house so I'd have a key to hand over to the next owner! I seriously doubt I'd do that nowadays ... ESPECIALLY in a place like L.A.! I never locked my car until maybe 20 years ago. Why? Times have changed ... plain and simple.

    So with that, I agree with P-hole ... I disagree with the disarming of honest citizens and establishing gun-free zones in potentially dangerous areas.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  24. #54
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    what started this whole discussion is the fact that a shooter opened fire on some students at FSU, shot three and was killed within minutes by campus security. I don't need a made up scenario because this is the one we started with. Its been suggested that if the campus hadn't been declared a gun free zone by liberal pinko facist media loving pigs, that the well armed students at FSU would have risen up and blown the fucker away in seconds instead of minutes and nobody would have been hurt except the shooter. that is the lala land bullshit fantasy that you would have me believe would happen in this real life scenario. And I say that is pretty much a lala land bullshit fantasy.

    The Federal Government approves this message.


  25. #55
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Big Skyz's Avatar
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    For a moment I'm going to not direct my comments towards BBP on this. Here is what has happened to me in a quarter century of teaching. For years I have been strongly opposed to weapons in the hands of school staff. However, as I see more and more of my students coming from unstable homes, with little, to no structure I start to worry. As I see students become more and more desensitized to violence by different medias whether it's music, movies, video games, internet, or what have you, I start to worry. When I see students less physically and emotionally upset when news breaks of another school shooting, I start to worry. When I realize that most of the school shootings have occurred in non-inner city schools, I start to worry. When I have a student or students in my class that verbally, out loud, express how they want to kill people, other students, or staff, I start to worry. When I think about the fact that most schools in this country have absolutely no way to defend themselves against an attack, (and that in my case, law enforcement is 20 miles away) I really, really, really, worry. With all that said, I'm no longer opposed to a few (read select) well trained staff having weapons available to them within the school. In fact, it flat out pisses me off that some people think it's perfectly fine to put my life, the students, and everyone I work with lives in an absolutely helpless-defenseless situation. You come into my home, uninvited and try to harm me or my family, you will be shot. Simple as that. Show up at my work and you are home free until "when or if" law enforcement catches up with you. Great message we are sending those that intend to harm others.

  26. #56
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    BUT ... if they hadn't had to wait for security, the perp may have been dropped after his FIRST shot ... (or BEFORE!)

    I know, I know ... just trying to make another point or two toward obtaining my official S.D. badge.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  27. #57
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Big Skyz's Avatar
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    I asked you a simple question would my chances still be zero? Hypothetical or not in regards to the situation I described, my REALITY, thanks to you and your kind, is that I currently have ZERO defense or recourse.

  28. #58
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Skyz View Post
    For a moment I'm going to not direct my comments towards BBP on this. Here is what has happened to me in a quarter century of teaching. For years I have been strongly opposed to weapons in the hands of school staff. However, as I see more and more of my students coming from unstable homes, with little, to no structure I start to worry. As I see students become more and more desensitized to violence by different medias whether it's music, movies, video games, internet, or what have you, I start to worry. When I see students less physically and emotionally upset when news breaks of another school shooting, I start to worry. When I realize that most of the school shootings have occurred in non-inner city schools, I start to worry. When I have a student or students in my class that verbally, out loud, express how they want to kill people, other students, or staff, I start to worry. When I think about the fact that most schools in this country have absolutely no way to defend themselves against an attack, (and that in my case, law enforcement is 20 miles away) I really, really, really, worry. With all that said, I'm no longer opposed to a few (read select) well trained staff having weapons available to them within the school. In fact, it flat out pisses me off that some people think it's perfectly fine to put my life, the students, and everyone I work with lives in an absolutely helpless-defenseless situation. You come into my home, uninvited and try to harm me or my family, you will be shot. Simple as that. Show up at my work and you are home free until "when or if" law enforcement catches up with you. Great message we are sending those that intend to harm others.
    Well said, and I'm sorry to say this and pop a big bubble, but we are saying the same thing. I believe our public schools need security and whether that is through hiring private security or by having trained security volunteers, which is what that church lady Larke mentioned was, on the staff. What I am opposed to is the parents of those deranged kids being able to come into our public schools carrying openly or concealed or in any fashion. Except for the people who we know are trained to provide security, what's wrong with making it a gun free zone for everyone else? That seems to be like farting loudly in a quiet church, but that's where I am on it. And from reading your post, I think that's where you are too Troy.

    and Thumper, bite me.


  29. #59
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Big Skyz's Avatar
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    Bwana no disrespect this isn't theology and religion, this is life and death. Definitely a hot button with me. My personal life, my students, and my own children are at risk every single day because even the most unintelligent dipwad in this nation can figure out that most schools are 100% defenseless.

  30. #60
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Sheeesh P-hole .. I was kinda-sorta agreeing with you ... ummm ... kinda .... sorta.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

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