NOT trying to beat a dead horse..........but this came to me whilst washing the dishes.

Thump, and of course many others, use the argument that they don't care about what doesn't affect them directly, and gay marriage doesn't affect them directly, so they don't care about it one way or the other. Further, they want me to adopt that philosophy as well, and can't understand why I don't just give up worrying about it since I should view it as they do.

Do I have that right? I think so. If not, let me know.

But if I do...........then answer me this, Batman. WHY does the 'left' viewing folks of the world.....let's just use Obama as an example, no other reason. Use anyone...... why does HE not have that attitude? Why doesn't he take your view? Why do the people who are against it have to take the view that "I'm not interested in anything that doesn't directly affect me", since you say that's a valid view???? Shouldn't he (and his ilk) take that view?

But they don't! They are adamant, active, and give a HUGE rat's ass!! Don't they??? So why do they get to validly give a rat's ass about it and I can't? It doesn't directly affect either of us? Why am I the only one (and my ilk) that isn't supposed to give a rat's ass?

I think that's a valid question.