They're both the same picture.

I am trying a one month trial of Amazon Prime. Several reasons, but one is to store unlimited pictures. I thought if I had them stored there, I might could reference them in embedding them in posts here. But I can't figure out how. I can embed pictures from my Photobucket, and I can attach pictures from here from my C: drive.........but can't figure this out.

Course, I have yet to figure out here how to A) quote multiple posts, or B) Embed a picture or video, so.............

Course........another reason I got it was to download books to my Kindle App on my smartphone and read get to 'borrow' one book a month, but I can't find any list of books that show the 'Prime' button to allow me to 'borrow' that process either doesn't work, or I am a three time dummy. I figure the latter.