Ok, everybody take a long, deep breath! Relax ...

Ok, while we're taking a break .... Hey NTB, I don't know if all o'youse network or not, but would you happen to know a big rice farmer in N. California? He's actually in Wheatland, but has dirt all over the Sacramento area up there. AND ... even though there's supposedly a drought going on, he has PLENTY of water. I have no clue where he gets it, but he said that drought shit is nonsense. Wells I suppose? Anyway, after all these years, I realize I haven't a clue how he spells his name. He's Italian ... Al Lasaga? Al Lasauga? Anyway, that's close enough. He grows that top of the line, high quality rice and I believe 100% of it goes to Japan. Heck, you can buy his rice in the states ... but I think it actually comes here FROM Japan! That silly stuff sells here for something like $16.00/lb!