See? We can have a conversation. And you're a facist!

There's two bill passed. One was GMO labelling and the other was COOL. They're only related by the fact that there were millions of dollars in lobbying behind them and they are both removing information that people could use if they were avoiding meat from a specific country that used bad practices (maybe even the US!) in their opinion or if they were avoiding GMO foods.
I don't try to avoid GMO foods generally, and its pretty much damned near impossible to in the first place. But aren't we, the buying public, entitled to know that? Mainly that is from the Roundup Ready products in soy, wheat, and corn. I don't even know if they brought rice into the roundup family or not. I know they tried at some point. As for meat, I'm buying more and more beef grass fed products and those at least labelled as hormone and antibiotic free for all types of meat. I don't want to buy fresh meat from another country period. Not fish, not beef, not pork, not chicken. I want to buy all my meat from growers and packers within 100 miles of my home. That's a goal thats not always possible. But if I can do that the majority of the time I'm happy. Obviously there's no seafood caught in that radius. But I do buy wild caught and package in the USA waters if I can. I don't buy Tilapia from Viet Nam for example. But I do buy wild caught Ahi tuna. Its labelled whe its from. Its important when you consider salmon too. Farm raised salmon offer none of the health benefits you get from wild caught.
Anyway, yeah, I do look a labels. If you don't I can live with that. But its hardly a valid reason to take my information away just because you don't. See what I mean?
I do think Monsanto is evil by the way. And I do think the science that brought us NPK farming and the model that gives us "as long as a method improves yield it doesn't matter if its sustainable" is the wrong model. I think monoculture farming is unsustainable. Those 'biases' (I call them opinions) do likely come through in topics like this. Some day, its a model we will be forced to rethink that model. Fuck, I don't know what the best alternative is. I'd like to think it would be a return where we mainly consume stuff that is grown regionally and benefits those who farm it more directly. That,apparently hits some raw nerves.