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Thread: Holy Crap

  1. #1
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Owasso, OK

    Holy Crap

    20 dead and still counting in Connecticut. Man, that is just terrifying.


  2. #2
    Administrator Arty's Avatar
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    I'll be huggin the kiddos extra tight tonight.

    Terrifying is exactly the word

  3. #3
    Member TheHunter000's Avatar
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    The gun control crap has already started. Those are the real sickos. Instead, they SHOULD be worried about those kids and parents. I cannot even freaking imagine something like that happening. Makes me ill...

    For the record, I am not worried about the guns. Just make the bullet proof outerwear illegal though.

    Thoughts and prayers to all those up there. Just cannot even come close to imagining that pain...
    [SIZE=4]Non omnis moriar.[/SIZE]

  4. #4
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Bwana's Avatar
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    What happened, haven't heard the news today?

  5. #5
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Bwana's Avatar
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    Just read about it.

    Chills down my spine.

    What is it with these sick #%!#$^# needing to do shit like this?!?!?

  6. #6
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    Makes me sick. If taking away our guns would stop this from ever happening again, I would give up my great grandfathers guns. We all know it wouldn't stop it. Arm the teachers. These crack pots are only SO crazy. Crazy is walking into a police station and opening fire at people that are gonna shoot back. Walking into a school full of hundreds of unarmed people is just pure planning on feasting on easy targets.

  7. #7
    Administrator Arty's Avatar
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    I agree.
    I hope the fucker suffered before he died.

  8. #8
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    I believe we have to rethink how we secure our public schools. I'm not sure it needs to be armed guards but there has to be a way to prevent access to schools by these freaks.

  9. #9
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Bwana's Avatar
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    I agree we need to keep these wackos out of the school but that is easier said then done. From what I read this numb-nuts had a child in the school so short of having visitors pass through a metal detector and having an armed guard or armed teachers, not sure how you can stop such a sick event from occurring.

  10. #10
    Administrator LJ3's Avatar
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    All schools in my county have fully armed police officers in schools. Not sure how long a cop would have lasted against an armed assault like that. It's literally sickening.
    If we all threw our problems in a pile, and you saw everyone else's problems-- you'd take yours back.

  11. #11
    Administrator Niner's Avatar
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    I was listening to the jabbering reporters on the radio earlier this afternoon. It was clear to me that they were blaming the gun(s).
    He had a Glock and a Sig on him, and they found a Bushmaster (AR15) in his car. This dufus was going on and on about how the Bushmaster uses the 223 it is the baddest bullet on the planet and just being near one will cause someone to go off the deep end and just start blasting away with those "extended magazines". AND THE FREAKING RIFLE WAS IN HIS CAR*.

    Gonna have to watch the TV news tonight I suppose.

    *at least that's what the radio news was saying.
    My "disability" does not make me "disabled".

    Cancer Sucks!

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    I'm sick~ WTF is wrong with these people? Are they programed to go nuts on a weekly basis? Why shoot some little kid? F me, at least go after someone who pissed you off! Teachers need to carry...why be dead because of some lame ass law.

  13. #13
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    I heard one of the most cogent statements made by a psychologist on CNN. she talked about how lots of parents and family members have someone in their family that they know is dangerous but current laws prevent them from doing anything about them until they commit a crime. If there is any legal thing that needs to be done to help prevent these, there has to be some sort of way that folks like this can be identified and prevented from harming innocent people. Now that's a tough one, but its the most logical thing I've heard anyone say about it today.

    And I've been watching CNN for quite a while and haven't heard anyone say a word about gun control. There'll be plenty of time to argue about that later. Now is not the time, IMO, either way.


  14. #14
    Administrator Arty's Avatar
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    I agree with ya Posthole, but NBC is already hittin' gun control pretty hard (at least they were around 3-4pm). "The president has already eluded to it in his press conference today"..... Ggggeeeeezzzzz......

    One said: "Laws need to be in place so that if someone who has a history of mental illness can't get a gun".

    I don't need to explain that dumb fuckin' comment to ANY of you all.

    W T F ? ? ?

    Babbling fuckin' idiots.

    Some Chinese dude sliced up 22 people with a knife today in China. (true, google it).

    BUTCHER KNIVES need to be outlawed.

    I swear I wish a fucker like this would be around when I was around.

    I may go down with the rest of them, but he'd be dodgin' lead.

    Nothing would give me more pleasure that to put a hollow point in one of these bastards. That may sound obtuse and cocky, and DUMB. But in situations like this it's the first thing I think of.

  15. #15
    Delta Dufus Big Muddy's Avatar
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    I just can't even wrap my mind around this tragic event, yet.
    Southern Gentleman

  16. #16
    Grand High Exalted Taser-Master
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    What I don't understand why every one is surprised. When you raise a generation of people up with Freddie Kruger as their heros and tell them they are God, what should you expect? You can't teach abstinence but hand out rubbers to grade school kids. Let someone try to live a good moral lifestyle in private and they get villianized by the whackos. Welcome to America, the land of the lawsuit where we teach our kids that we're all victims and there is no such thing as personal responsibility. Take away all the guns and some idiot will drive a car thru a playground of preschoolers.

    "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
    Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness....
    Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
    And prudent in their own sight!" Isaiah 5:20-21

    I'll get off my soapbox. Society needs to look in the mirror if they're looking for the problem
    "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones"
    Albert Einstein

  17. #17
    Administrator Captain's Avatar
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    Good Lord! What has happened? I'm out in the eastern part of the state Duck hunting, fishing and socializing and have not see any news, Until I read this. Just cut on the TV and cannot even imagine the pain those parents are going through.
    I'm sure it will be days before that crime scene is complete and they will allow those children to be moved!
    Take Care, Captain

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    A Government that pays people to do nothing destorys their willingness to do anything!

  18. #18
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Chicken Dinner's Avatar
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    8,506 hand-wringers...
    "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." Raoul Duke

  19. #19
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Seems like a lot of the BS comes when they run out of things to say and don't have enough sense to shut the hell up. They all do it, just drone on and on. The CNN 'expert' butted in once in an interview and wanted the reporter to ask if the 'shooter' (hate that, should be 'the fucking criminal') used hi capcity magazines or not. He said it was 'extremely important' to know. Why? I don't need to know that. You don't need to know that. There's only one reason anyone would think that's important and thats so they can place blame somewhere. I understand the need to find a reason. But there's not going to be one, other than somebody was fucking crazy and was allowed fo harm people.

  20. #20
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    What if an armed rent a cop in a school goes rogue?

    Arm the teachers...but what if they go nuts?

    Outlaw all guns and a mexican drug lord might take revenge on enemy grandkids.

    Outlawing the news makes more sense.

    The chasm ever widens.
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  21. #21
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Just reading reader comments on the online news stories is enoughto make you want to puke.


  22. #22
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    Exactly the reason why I never do that. I'm just so glad that I didn't have to respond to a situation like that.

    I guess it's always easier to attack the guns and gun laws than address the real issue...why does our society produce so many people that do things like this. I truly believe that the simulated violence that kids are exposed to from an early age in video games, tv, and movies play a major part in this. They are desensitized to violence from such an early age that it's just a small step to take it into the real world.

    The media has been falling all over themselves to get the story out first so it's hard to know what is factual or not, but I saw at one point early one and not much since, that the shooter tried to buy a gun and was refused, so the gun laws worked. Since he couldn't legally buy one, he obtained the guns used illegally.
    "Never try to fight an Old Dude. If you win, there's no glory; if you lose, your reputation is shot."

  23. #23
    Member hotshot's Avatar
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    I think one of the first things that should have been in place for years- arm teachers. Not all of them, but those willing. And then train them.
    We have seceurity measures.... actually slow down measures. Real secuity measures would be nice.
    Supposedly, his mother used to take him shooting, (the criminal). How many red flags were there if he was denied a gun? For that to happen, there had to be all kinds of issues. Why did his family have guns avaliable if he was to the point he was deniable. Also, isn't attempting to obtain a gun an offense worthy of jail time?
    None of this brings those kids back....
    As a teacher, these kids' safety is my first job. Not just from people breakingin a shooting, but from daily bullying, etc.
    Sometimes the parents are the issue.
    Frustration and anger appear under the surface, but Love for my kids and truly every kid in my school will hopefully over come.
    There has to be some way to not infringe on the rights of citizens, yet apprehend for temporary periods those people that need it. So often- this person needs to be detained, but he or she can't until a crime is committed.
    Gotta frustrate you sometimes too Pat. I don't have a sollution either.

  24. #24
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    I heard that he was denied because he refused to go through the background check.

    Scott, expect to see more cops in the schools from time to time, just walking through. I guess the Sheriff and Police Chief have talked to the principals and they would like to see it.
    "Never try to fight an Old Dude. If you win, there's no glory; if you lose, your reputation is shot."

  25. #25
    Member hotshot's Avatar
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    Oh, yeah, lots of badges Monday........ Not a bad thing. Gives me a chance to talk to former students who are now officers. That's a good thing.

  26. #26
    Member TheHunter000's Avatar
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    The "Assault" weapon ban is coming. No doubt about it. I am more worried about their definition of that. I am guessing the first legislation will be identical to Australia's... Just a guess.

    I have to say that this particular killing knocked me down pretty bad. I don't understand what makes any human capable of hurting little ones like that. Brought tears to my eyes when I was talking to mine on the computer last night, my daughter and I rehearsing her Christmas songs for her performance today.

    I don't know what the Hell the answers are...but I am sure tired of this question.
    [SIZE=4]Non omnis moriar.[/SIZE]

  27. #27
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    There are no answers.

    That won't stop the genuises from believing that there are, and forcing them onto us.

    The divide we have is not going to continue to peacefully exist. "Dialogue" these days means "Shut up and listen to ME". This won't just go away into the good night. I was born way, way, WAY too late.
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  28. #28
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    The one 'answer' I was hoping to see addressed, and have seen very little on, is coming up with ways to simply enforce the gun regulations we currently have on the books. I have heard talk of the 'gun show' loophole but that's about it. More regs certainly won't help at all if we don't even enforce the ones we already have.
    But, realistically I hate to say that whatever gets done will be lip service anyway. I haven't seen any meaningful legislation since 2000 in ANYTHING at the federal level. Its all been lip service.


  29. #29
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Connecticut has some of the most restrictive gun laws in America. Chicago and D.C. do too, and they are the most unsafe.

    Laws don't stop lawbreakers.

    They never will enforce the current laws. That's expensive. Passing new laws that make them 'look good' to their constituents is all they care about. Asking this bunch of nimrods to fix the world's problems is absolutely insane, but that's what the 'people' keep asking for, and who they keep looking to for answers.


    Back to ostrich-ness for me.
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  30. #30
    Member TheHunter000's Avatar
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    The will call this thing the Sandy Hook Act and it will fly through. And it will ban 'Assault-type weapons". That's my guess.
    [SIZE=4]Non omnis moriar.[/SIZE]

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