It's interesting.. I *didn't* write the great American Novel.. had no desire to.. But I got into a "writing contest" with a guy who (eventually) did. It was a battle of columns, we both wrote for free.. for, for crying out loud, a monthly bicycle club news letter. This guy who now has at least a couple books on the market, had as good a vocabulary as I ever ran across. I, personally, think he's one of the best. Me, I write like I talk.. and almost always.. humor. After about a year of us going toe to toe - I mentioned to the editor (a real talent in her own right) I was getting my ass handed to me every month.. She told me, "Don't you believe it. Everyone *loves* your stuff. Jon writes over most people's heads."

Sylvester Stallone ..and Arnold Swarzenegger.. best actors in the world? No.. but both of them knew how to sell tickets.. I couldn't win a Pulitzer - but I could see tickets.