From what I understand, Trump doesn't "prepare". He simply walks in and says whatever he feels. I'm assuming that's what people are liking about him.

I'm headed for an estate sale in a few minutes, but while I was getting dressed this morning, I was watching the local news on TV. I wan't paying that much attention, but they showed a huge auditorium full of "red state" people gathered (somewhere) to watch the debate (I agree, it was an "interview" IMHO) and they absolutely went crazy cheering whenever Trump spoke. In interviews with them after the "debate", the general concensus was that FINALLY someone has the balls to say what others SHOULD have been saying all along, but are too "politically correct" to do so. They were going nuts for the guy!

I'd say, the moderators, without question, were targeting Trump. Odd, the VERY FIRST question out of the gate was asking anyone to raise their hand if they'd run as an independent if not nominated ... which would guarantee a win for Hillary. Of course Trump was the only one to raise his hand and drew loud boo's from everyone in the arena. The "moderators" knew exactly what they were doing, who would raise their hand, and knew exactly what kind of a response it would generate. And THAT is how the evening started! It didn't change much. I got tickled when Trump said what he thought of Meghan Kelly and the press in general.

That said, he's a bit of an embarrassment as far as I'm concerned ... but so is our President.

Trump remindes me of Ted Nugent in a way. I'm not crazy about the guy and think he's a bit "out there", but I appreciate the fact he says what he feels instead of what everyone "expects" him to say. It takes balls, but you're not going to win a popularity contest in this politically correct world.