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Thread: Y'all seen that SC classroom confrontation video?

  1. #1
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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    Y'all seen that SC classroom confrontation video?

    The student was "verbally disrespectful" to the teacher. The student refused to leave the classroom, and an administrator was called, Lott said. The student still refused to leave, so Fields was called. The student was still disrespectful, so Fields was Asked to REMOVE HER FROM CLASS, Lott said, and that's when the videos began.

    Police have the video that allegedly shows the girl swinging at the officer and striking him, but they will not release it, the sheriff said.

    How would you have done it...

  2. #2
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Hope that wasn't my daughter's SC classroom!
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  3. #3
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    I'd have shot her.
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  4. #4
    Administrator Nandy's Avatar
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    What where people expecting, for the officer to say, "ok, I guess you are not coming with me" and leave?

  5. #5
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nandy View Post
    What where people expecting, for the officer to say, "ok, I guess you are not coming with me" and leave?
    Thats what I thought too...

  6. #6
    Delta Dufus Big Muddy's Avatar
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    Sure woulda been easier for all concerned, if she had just got her fat azz outta the desk, and left the classroom, when instructed to do so.

    'Entitlement" breeds contempt....and contempt breeds, getting yo azz body-slammed....seems like people would learn to just "obey the officer."
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  7. #7
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    We need Roger Goodell to rule on this one for us.


  8. #8
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    Why? He'd just get overruled. B
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  9. #9
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    The irony of it is that if something had been applied correctly to that girl's ass by her parents as she was growing up, then its highly unlikely anythng like this would have happened. But no, we want to call that child abuse.

    And in my mind, this was excessive force used by this officer. I'm not sure why its national headlines either. I don't think any 16 year old needs to be yanked around like that basically for being a smartass, no matter how much we'd like to see it happen sometimes!


  10. #10
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    I thought Cappy had commented on this ... or did I dream it? I heard on the local news this morning that there's more video that hasn't been shown. Supposedly she slugged the officer with her fist before the confrontation that's been televised. Of course, the parents already have an attorney.

    There was another officer involved shooting that I saw reported this morning also. Some kid he'd stopped who had coke and merry-hoochie. The kid took off in his car and about took the officer out, just barely missing him. From what I saw, the officer could have probably jumped back out of the way, but who knows? The point is, if we keep taking powers away from our police and send the message that it's ok to ignore any commands they give, what good is a police force? Heck, if I'm drunk, doing 100 mph down the road and a cop tries to stop me, why should I stop? Fuck 'em ... I don't have to do anything they say! This disrespect of the law has to stop somewhere or we'll end up with chaos. Are there bad cops? Sure. But this general feeling that they're ALL bad and we don't have to do a frigging thing they tell us to do is bullshit!
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  11. #11
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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  12. #12
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Bwana's Avatar
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    Now there's one I didn't see coming ab7...

  13. #13
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by airbud7 View Post
    'Bout time for Jessie and Al to show up.
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  14. #14
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) HideHunter's Avatar
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    I saw a "blow-by-blow" posted. She was flailing and kicking like a mad woman and actually caused a lot of the "physical theatrics" herself.. He was trying to get her out of the desk.. She ended up on the floor largely by her own doing. As usual - what the news showed was "out of context".
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  15. #15
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Teachers and principals have been handling discipline problems in public and private schools successfully for a long long time. And likely they handled 99% of them without having a police officer slam any of them to the floor.
    Don't make this anything other than it is. Its not an arrest. If it is, then they need to file charges against her. If we make it into something it ain't we're no better than the people who are trying to make its something else its not.


  16. #16
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) johnboy's Avatar
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    Just saw on the news that the officer involved was fired.

  17. #17
    Administrator LJ3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarryBobPosthole View Post
    Teachers and principals have been handling discipline problems in public and private schools successfully for a long long time. And likely they handled 99% of them without having a police officer slam any of them to the floor.
    Don't make this anything other than it is. Its not an arrest. If it is, then they need to file charges against her. If we make it into something it ain't we're no better than the people who are trying to make its something else its not.

    I dunno about that posthole. My kids have had police officers assigned to each school since they entered the 9th grade. Asshole children are the problem. Aggressive cops don't make it better, either. But our schools have had cops for at least 10 years or so.
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  18. #18
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Yep, and that sheriff is the only one down there talking common sense from what I can tell.


  19. #19
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    Barry, the cop didn't just happen to show up in that classroom, he was sent there by the school administration. I know he was an SRO and part of their job is to handle situations like this in the schools. The world has changed. The total lack of respect for any authority is hard to believe and unless you experience it, you probably don't realize how bad it is. It really puts people in any type of authority in a tough place, how do you handle a situation where something needs done, but the other person involved is completely uncooperative and feels like they do not have to follow anyone's instructions at all. Do you as an authority figure, just walk away? That just weakens your authority more. Do you push the issue and end up like this cop did out of a career?

    I haven't seen the entire video so I can't make any judgement of what happened. Of course it "looks bad", every use of force justified, excessive, or not, all "look bad" on video.

    Cops are very aware that everyone has a camera and everyone wants to catch a cop doing something, so I doubt he just dumped her over for just running her mouth. As for charges, an article I saw did saw that the officer told her that she was under arrest at one point. Of course, if she is a juvenile, the arrest record is probably not public record, so any information regarding charges cannot be released to the public.
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  20. #20
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LJ3 View Post
    I dunno about that posthole. My kids have had police officers assigned to each school since they entered the 9th grade. Asshole children are the problem. Aggressive cops don't make it better, either. But our schools have had cops for at least 10 years or so.
    I have no issue at all with police in schools. But they aren't there to enforce discipline. they are there to protect the kids. If these kids were threatening the other kids, then yeah the cop needed to do something. But this should have been handled by the faculty until it became some sort of police issue. That's all I'm saying. And the sheriff pretty much said the same thing.

    And on edit, DD, that sheriff said somethng about a law down in SC being part of the issue with the SROs being caught in the middle, like you were sayng. He wasn't specific but he did say that was part of the problem

  21. #21
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Kids have zero respect for any type of authority anymore and I blame the parents as much as anybody. When I was a kid in school, I respected ANY authoritative figure ..... or pretty much any adult for that matter. In school, I wasn't a total angel, but I wasn't disrespectful either (more along the lines of the class clown). BUT .. back then ... when we screwed up, we KNEW we were in trouble ... and if it was BIG trouble, both the Principle AND the Coach had that paddle ready. I remember when they "upgraded" from wooden paddles to thin fiberglass paddles. THOSE mf'ers would actually wrap around your ass and cover a lot more territory than the old wooden style! OUCH!

    But, you know the big difference? The punishment from Coach or the Principal wasn't the worst part ... once I got home I had to face the REAL punishment. Nowadays, if a kid deserves a smack on the ass, you'll lose your job and possibly do jail time if you do it. These days, if you lay a finger on sweet little Johnny, once he gets home, mommy and daddy will be calling an attorney instead of dishing out their own discipline. I believe in "spare the rod, spoil the child".

    Face it, the world is fucked up when it comes to this sort of shit. It's no wonder kids are growing up with absolutely zero respect for authority. It continues into adulthood, steal a car, get into a police chase and end up driving it into a lake ... no problem, after a slap on the wrist, you'll be back home in time for supper. I'm starting to wonder when this will spread to our military. Now THAT will be a problem!
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  22. #22
    Administrator LJ3's Avatar
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    Jimmy from my perspective it has nothing to do with discipline, physical or otherwise. All 4 of my kids are basically very good people and they know right from wrong. I've spanked one of them (one smack) one time for one offence and never laid a hand on any of the others. None of them will disrespect a cop or teacher or other authority figure in their lives.

    Contrary to my highly sardonic persona, I have always modeled respectful behavior to all cops, teachers, officials and other people in my life. Showing kids what is right and wrong works much better than whippin' dey ass for not doin what you done tole 'em.
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  23. #23
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Bwana's Avatar
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    Thumper I hear you LOUD and clear about the paddle material upgrade. My mom may have used a wooden spoon on me a time or two to get my attention (believe me, I had it coming and knew it) but I VIVIDLY recall the day when she upgraded to some sort of plastic-type spoon that had a bit of flex to it. That one got me full attention.

  24. #24
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Yep Bwana, at home it was always dad's leather belt. If I were at my grandparents (where I spent a LOT of time growing up) ... I'd get whooped with Pops' razor strop! Kids these days have no idea what a razor strop is ... but some of 'em need an introduction.

    Len, I hear ya' ... I went through it with my kid. He's NEVER been in any type of trouble and growing up was one of the best mannered kids I've ever seen. As in your case, I think a lot of it has to do with their upbringing as well as their general demeanor. My mom handled most of the discipline when I was growing up ... she wielded the belt. But, I had 1000% more respect for my dad ... I'd rather take 10 ass-bustins from mom with the belt than just ONE disappointed glare from my dad. I don't think he ever laid a hand (or belt) on me. He did pop me on the back of my head with his open hand once when I smarted off to my mom in front of him. I remember that like it was just yesterday and it hurt me more than any whoopin' I ever got. BTW ... I deserved every one I did get ... and prolly quite a few I DIDN'T get.

    You have to admit ... there are many punk-asses in the schools these days and sweet Johnny can do no wrong in mom & dad's eyes. Or they just don't give a shit until little Johnny gets smacked at school and they see dollar signs as they're flipping through the Yellow Pages trying to find some sleazeball attorney.
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  25. #25
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    I always supported the school when it came to any discipline with my kids, which was rare to none. One thing I will say though, is no matter what the discipline offense was if somebody had slammed my kid to the floor and physically thrown them as 'school discipline' I would have whipped two or three people's ass my own self and there would have been more folk slammed to the floor.

    And regardless of who is right and who is wrong what lesson did the other kids in that class learn from this?


  26. #26
    Administrator LJ3's Avatar
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    That being an asshole kid will make you famous.
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  27. #27
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Purty much.


  28. #28
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    I'm through.
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  29. #29
    Administrator LJ3's Avatar
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    I think we just collectively depressed ourselves.
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  30. #30
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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