Sky, my son is going thru the same thing, right now, with an expensive chocolate lab....he's trying to train him to retrieve ducks and doves....however, I am thoroughly convinced that the dog is mentally retarded, or bipolar, or some sorta sheeit like that.

He's always gotten good results, training dogs without a shock collar, but he resorted to using it because this dog's attention span is zero....the dog is 10 months old, and weighs nearly 100 pounds, and pays absolutely no attention to the shock collar....even on the highest setting, it knocks him to his knees, and he gets right back up, and acts like nothing happened....he will get a running start, and aggressively tackle anyone within sight, like a linebacker....he dang near sent me to the ER about two weeks ago....I still got the knots and bruises on my legs.

I hated to do it, but I told my son NOT to bring the dog to my house, any more.....this dog is a high-dollar piece of dog sheeit....some dogs just ain't got what it takes, and can't be trained.