That's good news Posthole. When I was a kid, quail hunting and coon hunting were the only two kinds of hunting my dad did. I walked a gillizon miles behind quail dogs and would pick up those old paper hulls after he shot and would smell them till I got a headache. I guess that where I got the "gun powder" addiction!
Just last week I took Dad down to the farm and as we were on the driveway a small covey of about 8 to 10 birds got up and set their winds and glided off the driveway. I saw a smile and twinkle in his eye as he watched them.
Like you they have been gone from here for many years. But we are now beginning to see a covey or two on the farm.
I love hearing them and still jump like I did as a kid when an unsuspecting covey bolts up from under my feet!