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Thread: ]*{*}*#^#**!! Thief ever got you...How Bad?

  1. #1
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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    ]*{*}*#^#**!! Thief ever got you...How Bad?

    After reading Barry's close encounter today I thought about my 30.06 woodsmaster stole from me back in the day and wondered whats the most meaningful thing ever taking from you...By a ]*{*}*#^#**!! Thief!...?

  2. #2
    Delta Dufus Big Muddy's Avatar
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    In March 1978....just finished building our new home....Ruger Blackhawk .44 Mag. pistol and holster, stolen from behind my truck seat....sheetrock installer guy stole it, but no way to prove it.
    Southern Gentleman

  3. #3
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Big Skyz's Avatar
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    When my wife and I were newly married we lived on the west side of Salt Lake City. Despite what some may think there is a bad/dangerous part of Salt Lake City and the west side is it. Long story short I had gotten in late from sighting in my rifle. I had also scope-eyed myself pretty good and must not have been thinking straight. Anyway I had my rifle wrapped in a towel behind the seat along with a fishing pole. On the front seat I had my shotgun and tackle box. I grabbed the shotgun and tackle box, locked the door, and told myself I'd get the other stuff in the morning. The next morning my neighbor is banging on my door. He said his truck and several other cars were broke into last night and it looks like my truck was broken into as well. Sure enough they broke the lock on the sliding back window. They got my rifle, my fishing pole, and about $300.00 worth of cassette tapes. Never saw any of my property again and the police were of little to no help. To add insult to injury whoever broke into my truck left a cassette tape from someone else on the floor of my pick up. What was that tape you ask? Motown's Greatest Hits.

  4. #4
    Administrator Arty's Avatar
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    2005. Honolulu. My own damn fault.

    My wife went to the beach on our last day. I was fartin' around doing something else at the resort and she called me on my cell from the beach and begged me to come down and sit with her for a bit.

    So I head down to the beach to meet her, with my wallet ( which normally would have been left in the room). I sit for a few minutes with her and she begs me to get in the water.

    I put my phone and wallet in her beach bag, she tucks her phone in the bag, we then tuck the bag under the chair.

    We walk 30 feet to the water... For literally 3 minutes. Come back to the chairs...... And the whole bag is gone.

    $600+ in cash. 2 credit cards, debit card, 2 cell phones, MY DRIVERS LICENSE, all gone.

    Ruined a once in a lifetime trip.

  5. #5
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    We've been lucky as heck to not our stuff ripped off when we're snorkeling. Our snorkeling excursions take us WAY out from the beach a lot of times and we're usually gone for a couple of hours. So far, no problems.


  6. #6
    Administrator Arty's Avatar
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    Taught me a lesson I'll never forget. An expensive one, but still a lesson.

    We were at one of nicest resorts on the whole damn island. The cop who took our report kinda smirked when I mentioned that.... Which I had to take to the airport to get on the plane (with no ID!!! )

    That little heist wiped us out!
    I had to borrow money from my father in law to buy groceries when I got home!

  7. #7
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    It doesn't take but a nanofucket.


  8. #8
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    This begs for a "Thump post". I've experienced quite a few thefts in my lifetime, but they were all material things that really had no "sentimental" value to speak of. I'll admit, I was totally pissed each and every time and have often thought to myself that I hope I never catch a thief in the act of ripping me off because I'd probably end up in jail myself. I have no doubt I'd probably kill the mf'er and can't imagine the legal ramifications afterwards ... but that's how mad I get when ripped off. I'm not rich and I WORK for my shit, if you steal it, you are the lowest form of scum on earth and I wouldn't hesitate showing you what I think of you (and I carry a gun!).

    That said, what hurts the most is being ripped off by "friends". I don't look at it the same way as I do being ripped off by a thief and instead of being pissed off ... I'm deeply hurt. I don't mean GIVING something to a friend in need or down on his/her luck ... I mean one who needed a quick "loan" for whatever reason, then once the rough spot was behind them, they became scarce, we'd drift apart and the "loan" would eventually become nothing but a never-to-be-repaid-debt. Or when I'd sell an item to a "friend" who really, REALLY wanted it with the understanding I'd be paid as soon as "whatever" happened (tax return, company bonus, next payday, etc). I'm way too trusting and "good" friendships are normally a lifetime deal in my eyes, but I've had quite a few "friendships" vanish ... along with my "good faith money".

    My life would be a little bit more comfortable if those I trusted would settle up. It's mostly my own fault for not treating deals with friends no different than a business deal ... at minimum, something in writing ... but I've always felt that showed distrust. What it REALLY shows is idiocy on my part. But, I couldn't imagine being in love, about to marry the woman I plan on spending the rest of my life with, then asking her to sign a pre-nup. That's kind of how I feel when loaning to a friend.

    My biggest screw-over? A VERY, VERY close friend who needed a quick, last minute loan to make a down payment (plus closing costs) on a house deal that had to be made immediately to prevent losing it to another buyer. I won't go into details, but that bonehead move cost me 35,000 fucking dollars! You may guess, the friendship is history. (I know, I know ... probably one of the stupidest things I've done in my life)

    Years ago, I drove my Cadillac here (Florida) from L.A, for a house-hunting trip. I left the Caddy at my mom's house, then Lynn and I flew back to LA to pack up and move. I had a close friend (of 10-12 years) who had always had a love affair with my Chevy Suburban and had constantly been bugging me to buy it. Since I had no way of getting it here, I had planned on selling it to a local dealer, but gave in and let my buddy have it instead. He paid me $1000 cash and promised to pay the balance with his tax return (even though it was only August!) The STUPID part? To make it easier, I simply signed the title over to him knowing he'd never in a million years screw me over. Ha! I loaded up a U-Haul, towed my Toyota truck behind it and Lynn followed me to Florida in her BMW. I never heard another word from my "buddy" after that. By time I returned to LA for a visit (years later), he was nowhere to be found. Bastard!

    You all know what I went through a few years back with my hospitalization, etc. Hey, times were REALLY bad ... not only physically, but financially. I had probably 40 guns at the time and sold every one of them off to pay bills (except my carry gun). Many of you here bought some of them and even though some of us had never met, it was always on a "if you really want it, I'll ship it to you and I'll just trust you to pay me when you can" basis. There's one person here (don't know if he still lurks or not) who I know very well. We've spent quite a bit of time together and are (were?) very good friends. He has owed me between $2000 - $2500 for years now. Don't let your imaginations run wild and start eye-balling each other ... he suddenly quit hanging out here years ago.

    You'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now. Nope, friends are friends and I'll probably be an idiot until the day I die. Heck, just before I went to California a few weeks ago, my buddy's transmission went out in his truck (his only transportation) and he was dead broke. Without hesitation, I loaned him the cash to get his truck fixed, then left town. He paid me back (in full) just this morning.

    P.S. PLEASE don't email me with some sob story asking for a loan. I'd probably be dumb enough to send it to you!
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  9. #9
    Delta Dufus Big Muddy's Avatar
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    Hey, Thump, Sandy is getting sorta old....I found a jam-up squirrel dog that I just gotta have....the dog is only $5,000....I'll put up the first $100, if you'll loan me the balance for 30 years....I promise to mail you some squirrel dumplin' finance charge, right???
    Last edited by Big Muddy; 11-21-2015 at 08:50 AM.
    Southern Gentleman

  10. #10
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    I'll tell you what I WILL do ... I'll loan you my stool.

  11. #11
    Delta Dufus Big Muddy's Avatar
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    Dayum....well, would you pop for some eyeglasses and Geritol for Sandy???
    Southern Gentleman

  12. #12
    Administrator Captain's Avatar
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    Hey Thumpanator these 20 corn feeders I've got running are getting low. I run through about $1,500 in corn a year. How about a loan for some corn. My Rolex broke and it's gonna take about all my corn money to put it back together.
    A Government that pays people to do nothing destorys their willingness to do anything!

  13. #13
    Delta Dufus Big Muddy's Avatar
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    Hey, Cap, maybe we can do a "bundle loan" with ole Thump....we can call it our "corn-dog" loan
    Southern Gentleman

  14. #14
    Administrator Captain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Muddy View Post
    Dayum....well, would you pop for some eyeglasses and Geritol for Sandy???
    Man, that's a great idea! You can bring your new dog to the SC farm and we can hunt deer in the mornings over Thumpers corn, and squirrel hunt midday with the Thumper financed dog, and then deer hunt in the afternoons!
    I like it!
    A Government that pays people to do nothing destorys their willingness to do anything!

  15. #15
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    I gots sumpin' for BOF'A youse dufes. They're unmarked, but I think you can figure out which one is yours!

    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  16. #16
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) jb's Avatar
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    Back in my college days we were poor, lots of money going out, very little coming in. Then along came #1 to make things even tighter.
    Wife had been saving up all year to buy me a leather winter jacket for Christmas. Even back then they were expensive.
    Beautiful coat, wore it about a month before some f#$%er stole it from my locker at the gym. 45 years later I still hate the prick.
    The older I get, the better I was. I also forget my password and have to have Len reset it for me

  17. #17
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    I lost a brand new leather coat from the trunk of a rental car down in a downtown DC parking lot. Pissed me off too.

    The worse that's ever happened to me happened in DC too, out in Pentagon City. Don't recall exactly but I thnk it was a Hyatt convention center type place. I was there for a three day business conference in about 1981 or so. We'd partied until the wee hours and I went back to my room and went to bed finally. Woke up about two hours later and could just see the silhouette of a guy standing by the desk going through my wallet. As I was neikkid as a jay bird and I had no idea if he was armed or what, I took the honorable route and played possum. He only took a little over a hundred bucs cash snd a silver certificate dollar bill I'd carried for good luck for a number of years. When he slipped out of the room I immediately ran to the door and caught a glimpse of him rounding the corner. But I did see a hotel uniform. Called the front desk and went through the rigamorole with a cop who didn't give a shit and a hotel manager that just didn't want my company to get involved, but they never found shit. Nowadays they'd probably have video somewhere in the hall or elevators.

    He didn't steal much but it probably took me ten years to be able to sleep in a hotel room. I'd just watch tv all night. It scared the friggin crap out of me.


  18. #18
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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    When I was about 13/14 years old someone broke in our house and stole everything except a very nice microwave oven(expensive item then) that did not work and mama was waiting for a replacement from sears...My older brother came over and said....>How would an everyday thief know that the new microwave did not work???...

    I am like Thump on this one...> It hurts more knowing a so called Friend stole from you and your family.

  19. #19
    Administrator LJ3's Avatar
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    I had two badass dirt bikes back in the day. A Husqvarna 400 and a Honda CR480. The Honda was the faster of the two. I had them chained on my back porch which as secure as I could get them back in those days. Motherfuckers rolled off with my Honda one night, cut the chain like butter and it was a big ass logging chain. The only silver lining was that I was having trouble with the front brakes and had pulled the pads off the front. The back brakes in those days didn't do much of jack squat. When I pulled the pads from the front I put some wood shims in place of them to hold everything in place till I got time to put new pads in. Thus, if when they fired it up, it would have felt like the front brakes were fully there Did I mention that bike ran like a scalded ape? I just hope and pray they took it somewhere dicey and had it in high gear before they realized it had no brakes.

    I laid in wait for them to come back for my Husky but they never did. fuckstickassmotherfuckingpiecesofshit.
    If we all threw our problems in a pile, and you saw everyone else's problems-- you'd take yours back.

  20. #20
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Reminds me of when I had my Honda dirt bike ripped off in Thailand back in the 70's. At the time, my buddy and I were living in a 2-story bungalow within a secure compound. There was a (Thai) guard guarding the compound 24/7. FOUR of us lived in the bungalow and the bikes were stored under the staircase in the living room. We were all asleep upstairs one night and when I came down the next morning, my bike was gone and my buddy's bike was rolled over by the window in the back of the house, but for some reason, they didn't take it. Now, mind you, just outside the back window (across about a 3' space), was an 8-foot block wall. Either a coupl'a little 4 1/2-foot tall, 95 lb. Thai dudes lifted that bike out the window and over an 8' wall topped with barbed wire ... or they just opened the window to make it look that way, were in cahoots with the guard and came through the front door right past the guard (most likely ... OR the guard himself did it). We couldn't believe NOBODY in the house heard a thing (I've always been a light sleeper), but the Thai cops said thieves lately had been releasing some sort of gas into the houses they rob and it knocks the occupants out while they do their deed. Who knows?

    A week or so after that, a buddy of mine in the Thai Army told me he was in Vientiane Laos a few nights before and witnessed the Vientiane cops, around 3:00 am, arresting some dude pushing a bike down the street (that was out of gas and looked just like mine). He had no paperwork for the bike, so the cops arrested him and confiscated the bike (for "investigation"). My buddy and I went up to Laos (about 35 miles) and checked in with the police department there, but for some reason, they had no idea what I was talking about. I never had one iota of doubt the Police Chief's son was most likely the proud new owner of my Honda. BTW ... there was a 100% import tax in those days (I don't think that's changed) and that was NOT a cheap motorcycle!
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  21. #21
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    I stopped locking my car doors while I was in college. It was broken into so many times, and each time, they'd scratch the paint jimmying their way in.
    The only thing I had to steal were my mix tapes (and of course those were stolen!) Who the #$@& would steal mix tapes?

  22. #22
    Administrator Nandy's Avatar
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    I have had quite a few things stolen but never anything that I could not replace until 2014...
    I lost my wedding ring and a few more appliances to my druggy stepson while I was picking my kids in FL. He stole the ring the night before we left and we thought I had just misplaced it so we left for the trip. Came back to a messed up hose with cigarettes burn marks on the carpet and a total mess and more of my stuff missing. I had put all of my guns in a friend safe.

    What I really lost was the faith and trust to kid that I picked up and took care as of my own for 8 years while his dad is MIA as far as parenting or any care. Mom still wonders when will I trust him again, answer is never. I dont wish him any bad but I just dont want him around my kids, my property or me.

  23. #23
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) HideHunter's Avatar
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    I'm one of the few who actually got to exact revenge on a thief.. Took me 13 nights from midnite to 5:00 a.m.. .. but, after what sounds like a bad movie plot, he spent 7 years in prison. I'll tell you about it sometime.
    If you turn a dog loose to hunt – you’d better to be ready to deal with what he trees.

  24. #24
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    There is justice once in a while.


  25. #25
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Big Skyz's Avatar
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    HH, yeah I wish you would tell that story sometime.

  26. #26
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    I THOUGHT I'd exact justice once ... turned out to be a total joke.

    I was working for a custom car company in Beverly Hills and we'd sold a Firebird Trans-Am convertible we'd built. Normally, I'd leave my demo at the office and take a sold car home for a test drive. I took the car home after work to make a list of any last minute items that needed taken care of before delivery (squeaks/rattles, paint/trim issues, etc). I was going through my divorce at the time and my wife was living in the house, so I was renting a house in the Hollywood hills. I parked in the street right in front of the house and it poured rain that night (rare in L.A.). I remember waking up around 3:00 am, went to the kitchen for a drink of water, then stood at the front door watching the water gushing down the street in front of the house (I lived on a steep hill). I remember thinking if that convertible had any water leaks, I'd sure know it when I left for work later in the morning ... then went back to bed.

    I got ready for work that morning, went outside and my frigging car was gone! I called the cops, they sat in the living room taking the report and asked when I'd seen my car last. I told them about watching the water rushing down the street at 3:00 am and the car was still there at that time. They then looked at me as asked if I thought maybe it washed down the hill! WTF??? It was raining, but there was no frigging flash flood! Besides, if it had ... how would it get past all the other other cars parked behind it? And if it did somehow, wouldn't it be setting in the middle of the intersection at the bottom of the hill? Morons!

    They took their report and left. I pulled my personal car out of the garage and headed for work dreading having to tell the boss the car we just sold has been ripped off. I'm cruising down Sunset Blvd. on my way to work, stop at a red light and there's my frigging car right in front of me!!! What're the odds? Two young Mexican kids were driving it, so I followed them. They eventually pulled up in front of a sleazy apartment building, got out and walked in. This was the days before cell phones, so I rushed down to the corner gas station and called the cops. I told them where I'd be parked just down the street in a parking lot with a view of the apartments. They pulled in, I hopped in the back seat and they informed me they'd have to actually catch them in the car to arrest them. I finally got tired of waiting and told them I had the keys in my pocket, but the ignition is most likely punched, then asked if they'd please call me after the arrest and I'd bring a driver down to pick up the car as it's sold and I have to get it repaired. I handed them my business card and left.

    Later that morning, I got the call informing me they'd arrested the "kids" as they came out and got in the car. They said the kids were under-aged and they'd be released to their parents. They then informed me these kids had been in this same sort of trouble many times before and the family has no money, so I shouldn't expect any sort of restitution! Fuckers! I thanked them (the cops) anyway and told them I'd be right down to pick up the car. That's when they informed me it was at the impound lot! Now I have to pay a frigging tow bill as well as impound fees! I'd have been better off just taking the car after they'd parked it and not even bother calling the cops. What did that accomplish other than wasting all day and costing me (my company actually) more money?

    In the short time they had the car, they'd managed to cut the convertible top (to gain entry), busted the hell out of the steering column and broke the ignition lock, stole the radio by destroying the dash and cutting the wiring harness, stole the spare tire, walked/stomped across the hood bending/scratching it all to hell and probably other things that I can't remember.

    As far as I know, the little bastards were back out stealing cars again that night.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  27. #27
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    When I was 19, I hocked a shotgun and a 22 and up and moved to Texas. Didn't really have a destination and my first stop was Sherman, Tx where I got a job for a wholesale place delivering candy and cigarettes and such to little mom and pop stores all over northeast Texas. I met a lot of good people during the time I worked for that outfit. Anyway, to get back to my home town I had the three and a half hour drive through some pretty rough country. By rough, I mean you could get your head peeled pretty easily if you weren't careful. I had a 72 Vega GT in those days. Good car, well engineered, poorly built. Ran like a striped ass ape. I was headed back home to Poteau late one Friday night after work to attend a wedding and had a flat out in the middle of BF Egypt and had no spare. So I hitchiked the rest of the way. Got there just as the sun came up. Hitching at the wee hours isn't conducive to rides. Hit up a buddy and we left as soon as I got there to go get my car. When I got there, someone had taken an axe to it. Chopped the window posts in two, Chopped the windows out, chopped the other three tires. Took everything I'd left in the car. Except my wallet and all my cash which it was payday. I'd left my wallet under my front seat so I wouldn't be hitching with all that cash on me.
    I had fantasy daydream schemes for several years after that where I'd hide on the side of the road and park a car there and kill the fuckers who did that to my car. It was totalled. Ended up buyng an old 62 Impala SS that same weekend for just about everythng I had in my pockets.



  28. #28
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    I sure would like to have that Impala now! Well, at least before you stuck that 348 in there! You could keep the Vega!
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  29. #29
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    When I was in college, I had a buddy with money and he drove a brand new GTO given to him as a high school graduation present. We planned a trip to New Orleans once and his dad sent him his Playboy Key Club Card. (back then, you had to have one to get in and would give it to the "door bunny" upon entry) Anyway, we parked the car, walked in, sat down for about 5 mins. and decided it wasn't really what we were looking for. We were pissed we got "dressed up" (required in those days) for no reason, and decided to leave and find something more "our speed". We were there no more than 10 minutes and when we came back out, some SOB had stolen that new GTO! I can't even remember how we got back to school! I don't have a clue. Heck, it was just over 500 miles each way and I assume we called someone to come get us. Sucks getting old and forgetful. (well, booze may have fogged my memory banks at the time)
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  30. #30
    Member yellowk9's Avatar
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    About 10 years ago I went hunting with a bud in Kansas. We were after pheasants and quail and decided to hit up a public area one morning. I parked my truck at a parking area with a kiosk. The area we were hunting was never more that a 1/2 mile or so from the truck, but because of trees/topography we were out of site of it most of the time. I locked her up tight before we left. We were gone maybe 2 hours. When we got back my driver's side window was busted out and what was left of my shit was strewn all over hell. CD's, papers from work, clothes, etc., were everywhere. They did manage to take my extra shotgun (cheap 870) and my backpack containing my GPS unit, camera, and other gear. The worst part was they got my duck call lanyard with my leg bands on it. It was of no value to them but irreplaceable for me. We made a report at the sheriff's office in the nearest town. They acted like they were bending over backwards for me to even make a report. I was young then and didn't realize that my vehicle insurance policy didn't cover such things. Homeowners policy? I rented and didn't even have a renter's policy. I was out over $1,000 and had to drive back to his house that evening with no driver's window in 20 degree weather. I was so pissed I stayed plenty warm. I had to rig a plexyglass and duct tape solution for the 7 hour drive home the next day. I despise thieves and would be fine with making it a crime punishable by death.......................................

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"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body.
But rather, to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW, What a Ride!"

Our Friend, Tony "Gator" Hunter 1953-2007